Nursing compared to A and P

Nursing Students General Students


Hey guys,

I am starting nursing this January, and was wandering if anyone could give me some pointers on how the actual nursing classes compares to a and p? I just want to be ready for the long haul, haha.


A&P is memorization. Nursing is an entire process in which you take the information you have and determine what to do, what further information to get, and what it means.

Very different studies.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Like Suesquatch added A&P is mostly memorization but I have to say I didn't work any harder or study any more on my actual nursing classes than I did on A&P2 and micro. To me they were just as challenging although a bit different than nursing classes. Just stay on top of your readings because if you allow yourself to get behind it is ugly.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I agree with the others. A&P was pure memorization. In NS you will have to start understanding concepts, doing mass amounts of reading and using critical thinking skills.

Think of it this way. Anatomy is the parts, physiology is how those parts works. Nursing school is what are you going to do when those parts aren't functioning right. YOu have to know the A&P, but knowing isn't enough. You will have to make judgement calls, prioritize and diagnose. It is a new way of thinking.

Specializes in acute care.
A&P is memorization. Nursing is an entire process in which you take the information you have and determine what to do, what further information to get, and what it means.

Very different studies.


Specializes in NICU Level III.

ENTIRELY DIFFERENT. This can be good and bad... good because AP is a TON of memorization.. bad because AP is always clear cut..always a 'right' answer. Nursing classes.. it is what is the BEST answer. They are usually all 'right'.

If you're interested, a good book is "Test Taking Skills for Beginning Nursing Students". It has the types of questions, along with the answers and why they're right.

Hi there,

Just finished my first 10 week term which included A and P and Nursing 101...There is a distinct difference btwn the two.. Nursing is knowledge and application and A and P is all about memorization...

It's totally different and hard.. but soo doable!

Good luck

I don't agree that A&P is purely memorization. Anatomy yes, but physiology. If you understand the concept of physiology well, it will help you immensely later when you do your nursing, especially pathophysiology. I am glad that I took my physiology class seriously, which helped me a lot for my nursing school...

Specializes in 2 years as CNA.
I don't agree that A&P is purely memorization. Anatomy yes, but physiology. If you understand the concept of physiology well, it will help you immensely later when you do your nursing, especially pathophysiology. I am glad that I took my physiology class seriously, which helped me a lot for my nursing school...

I understand that NS is totally different and utilizes critical thinking way more than A&P. However, I am so glad that you mentioned that A&P is not purely memorization. My teacher knows that probably 95% of our class is going on to either NS or medical school and so he teaches us to think beyond the normal processes. He always ends each chapter with patho questions and throughout his lecutres he is always asking what if this happens and how if this or that doesn't work will it effect something else. Hope that makes sense. So I would have to say that it also depends on your teacher and what they expect from the class.

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