Nursing Assistants dispensing meds


undefinedundefinedundefined :balloons: i recently accepted a nurse manger position at a infirmary for a religious order. never during my interview was i told that the nursing assistants were administering the meds, including narcotics. after starting in the position i questioned this and was told that this was the parctice in place for the past 2 years. there are licensed nurses on staff, however this is not always the case. my question, is this a common practice? if so, i've never heard of it. i have refused to return to the position, as i don't feel comfortable supervising untrained na's who are prepouring and dispensing meds. i'd appreciate any feedback. by the way, i live in pa, if that makes a difference. thanks!! :p

Specializes in ICU, PICC Nurse, Nursing Supervisor.

i would leave running.....

then i might just call someone who could do something about that.


undefinedundefinedundefined :balloons: i recently accepted a nurse manger position at a infirmary for a religious order. never during my interview was i told that the nursing assistants were administering the meds, including narcotics. after starting in the position i questioned this and was told that this was the parctice in place for the past 2 years. there are licensed nurses on staff, however this is not always the case. my question, is this a common practice? if so, i've never heard of it. i have refused to return to the position, as i don't feel comfortable supervising untrained na's who are prepouring and dispensing meds. i'd appreciate any feedback. by the way, i live in pa, if that makes a difference. thanks!! :p
Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.

Please use search and research medication aides.

This is permitted in some places, but not in others.

I personally would not work in a place that permitted this practice.

Yup...medication aids...I've worked in personal care homes where this is considered acceptable.

I have also worked for religious organizations...(took care of nuns) where anything goes. I was told that their "home" was not overseen by the state. They did not have state inspections or regulations to follow. Catholic perk I guess.

They did however INSIST on quality care, and did not utilize medication aids.

hi patti,

i am the vp of an agency in pa and although i do know that nursing assistants may disepnse meds in a personal care home, we will not staff andy cna who is expected to handle meds. there are so many good ltc facilities in pa for you to choose from that are very safe. good luck.

undefinedundefinedundefined :balloons: i recently accepted a nurse manger position at a infirmary for a religious order. never during my interview was i told that the nursing assistants were administering the meds, including narcotics. after starting in the position i questioned this and was told that this was the parctice in place for the past 2 years. there are licensed nurses on staff, however this is not always the case. my question, is this a common practice? if so, i've never heard of it. i have refused to return to the position, as i don't feel comfortable supervising untrained na's who are prepouring and dispensing meds. i'd appreciate any feedback. by the way, i live in pa, if that makes a difference. thanks!! :p

In personal care or assisted living they do have medication aids that pass meds. Most homes will make them take a class or two before. In skilled care or nursing homes in PA...CNAs are not permitted to pass meds. Even giving a medical mouth wash or putting on a band aid dressing is against the regs.

Me personally..if I was a CNA, I wouldn't want the responsibility of passing meds.

In UK Nursing Assistants are not allowed to administer any drugs though after in-house training some are allowed to instil eye drops.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, home-care.

I worked in two different Assisted Living facilities in Central PA in the past 7 years, Not as a CNA, but as an off the street hired Resident Assistant, and Personal Care Attendant (PCA).... Fancy words for all that my responsibilites included... We ordered meds, prepoured, passed, took Blood Sugars, gave insulin injections, B12 injections, eye, ear, nose throat drops, took care of impactions, etc...Dressed wounds, Passed narcs, WITH or WITHOUTa LPN on site..... That was our jobs.

I now work in LTC as a CNA and would NEVER think of putting on a band aid today. Guess it depends on who you work for and HOW far the rules can bend....

I work as a CNA at a LTC facility in Chester COunty PA (outside Philly) and we are not even allowed to do treatment which include putting Ilex on. If it is prescribed we do not touch it. We can assit a nurse (LPN or RN) but we do not touch it. Our facility just had state inspections and did not get any comments or write ups.

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