Nursing assistant interview - clothing advice


Specializes in Emergency Department.

I have an interview for a nursing assistant/PCT job at a world-class hospital coming up. It would be ideal, as this is the place I hope to work as a RN after nursing school. So I want to make a VERY good impression. However, I need help on the clothing issue; it's been a while since I interviewed anywhere. I'm female, by the way.

In my previous professional life (post-bacc student here), I was accustomed to business casual being the norm; I worked in a creative field, and suits were considered very passe. Before that, in college the first time around, I was a member of a Division I debate team, so I wore suits constantly. As a result, I'm comfortable in both business casual and suits.

Is the classic black suit with a red collared shirt under it and black heels acceptable for a hospital interview? Or am I totally out of touch with the times? I've never been a fashionista...

Specializes in PICU.

The classy suit is always best. You might even want to consider a white shirt/blouse underneath instead of the red. Good Luck to you.

Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

"Always dress for the job you want, not the one you have". Now, you have to tweak this a BIT since you're interviewing for the job, but I fully believe a suit is the way to go over "business casual"

I personally do not own a suit. I've never had problems interviewing with dress pants and a button down shirt, no jacket. I think a suit is fine, but not required, especially for a CNA job. But, I don't know what part of the country/world you're in, or what the hospital is. It might depend on how formal people usually are around you.

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