JT, Karen and other activist

Nurses Announcements Archive


I just wanted to take the time to thank you guys. For the past month, I've researched the ANA and paid much attention to the legislation you post here. I finally came to the realization that without activist like ya'll, nursing would really be in a mess. It's easy to criticize you, the ANA and the unions; it's hard to do what you guys do..the brainwork and the legwork. I guess I'm also apologizing for giving you guys a hard time. I was struggling with myself over my lack of activity, so the easiest thing to do was criticize those who are active. I still haven't clicked on that "join the ANA" button yet, but I've come to the realization that the ANA for dang sure isn't hurting nursing. I've not quite satisfied my concerns over my state association, but I think on a national level , the ANA does a good job. I still see a big push for the advanced-practice nursing in my state assoc; that concerns me. I know your response, "Get involved, change it, etc.". I'm still throwing that thought around in my head. Anyhow, again, I just wanted to say thanks to you guys for keeping us educated. Were it not for your hard work, those like myself wouldn't only be uneducated, we'd probably be forgotten.


If thats how they usually operate, I wouldnt want to either. But I dont think this is how they operate. I would give it a chance.

It sounds like you may have joined your state association at a very tense & disrupted period of time when the original MSNA was trying to pull the whole organization out of the ANA & separate its union nurses from its non-union nurses. Just to clarify - it wasnt the ANA that that cut you loose - it was the MSNA & its members who voted to pull you all out of the ANA. With the majority vote of the nurses who showed up to vote on it, they had the right to do so - if something is approved by the members who are there to vote, it gets done. (thats why its important to go to the conferences - to vote). That old biddie nurse may have just been venting her frustration at this whole situation.

Just for the record, the ANA went to court to try to stop the MSNA from cutting you all loose. But the court didnt agree. When all the dust settled, nurses who did not want to leave the ANA had gotten together & formed a new Maine state organization & called it ANA-Maine.

If I read this correctly, you were not treated warmly at a MSNA conference but taking into consideration what was going on at the MSNA at that contentious time, I guess people were understandably not in the best of moods then. Hopefully there is a better atmosphere among nurses in the new Maine-ANA organization.

About the correspondence, cant help you there......I dont know what youre missing. Most of your correspondence should come from your state assoc. The ANA website is extensive. Publications we all receive where ANA work, activity, plans, & other nursing issues are discussed in The American Journal of Nursing and our newspaper The American Nurse 2002 - both of which we get automatically

Anyway, Id give it a chance because ANA-Maine is a new association and may not have all the kinks worked out in their office yet. And Id continue to call the head of that association until I was satisfied that they were.

BTW, have you joined any of the committees that are of interest to you in your state association? Not that that has anything to do with your post but it helps a new member to learn more about the issues in your state and the association & helps nurses find their niche in the association where theyd best like to contribute their talents.

Have fun. See you in Philly in June??? :)

well well well....... Im impressed! lol. You have been a busy gal!

Would you care to explain what a "director-at-large" does? ;)

I am amazed at all the things you were able to do for yourself professionally, with all those other life obstacles to get past. You just took away any excuses I might have come up with for still having my Christmas decorations up - tree included! "I dont have time" certainly cant be used - not after I just read all the things you made time for along with everything else you had going on. lol

(you think we can get Karen to take us for some of those famous Philly cheese steaks she was talking about when we get over there this summer?)

Specializes in ER.

Thanks jt I will keep your comments in mind. Maybe I just need a little while to nurse hurt feelings.

I did not know about the June conference, it would be a great time to meet everyone! Must check my funds.


Things are a little slow with ANA-Maine because they are a new association. I joined in Nov.2001 and still don't have my card and am not receiving the AJN yet. Have been assured by one of the officers, that I know, that these things will start happening soon.

Hope you decide to join ANA-Maine. There is power in numbers. :D

The annual convention - where we do the work & vote on the issues & direct the ANA. The UAN (collective bargaining) annual convention is in the same place a couple of days before and does the same thing for the UAN. Last year it was in DC, this year Philly. Its business, education, networking & fun. Besides making the decisions for your national professional association, you earn CEs. The voting is done by the delegates you elect in your state & whom you direct with your input at your state convention, surveys, polls, committee meetings, and submitted comments throughout the year. They then go to convention as ANA House of Delegate officers & vote as directed by the membership of your state assoc.

(structure based on the House of Representatives in Congress). In the meantime, all members can attend Convention, observe the business & voting sessions, participate in the educational seminars & everything else there and receive CEs. Check the ANA website (and also your state assoc website) every so often - lots of info about lots of things: http://www.ANA.org

ANA 2002 Convention and Exposition

June 29- July 2, 2002


Convention Center,

Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia, PA June 29-July 2, 2002

Washington, DC June 27-29, 2003

Minneapolis, MN June 25-30, 2004

Conference Information:

Conference Schedule-at-a-Glance

Educational Program

Convention Registration

Exhibitor and Sponsor Information


Non-members also welcome to attend.


Id still keep calling the ANA-Maine to remind that you are a new member & havent yet received your materials.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

And remember , for coming to the convention, I'll treat you to a Philly cheesesteak, Frank's Black Cherry soda, Tastycake desert and Philly soft pretzel next door at the Reading Terminal Market if you tell me your coming and post here (unless you want health food...they have that too)!

;) ;) ;) ;)

You all make me smile! :)

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