Nurses Who Smoke

Nurses General Nursing


I have one question....... WHY?

For many of us who smoke or who have smoked in the past, it is a method of stress relief. A coping mechanism. Yes, an ineffective coping mechanism in that it is unhealthy but so is the stress that we inflict on ourselves in the nursing field. The effects of stress have also been proven to have ill-effect on our health - so much so that I've known of an OB who told a pregnant woman NOT to quit smoking during her high-risk pregnancy because the increased stress could have led to miscarriage. Not the ideal and certainly not something you'd want to see every day, but it still serves to prove the point.

As for smokers getting to take more breaks - I have to call malarkey on that one. It's only because they allow themselves to take those breaks that they get them. The rest of us sit by and complain about it to ourselves or amongst other non-smokers. The time spent muttering could be spent on a break as well. It's because we CHOOSE not to take the same breaks as a smoker that we don't get those breaks. I know from experience that many smokers are just as happy to watch your beds while you take your non-smoke break, you just have to ask.

Specializes in Neuro/Med-Surg/Oncology.


Take the smoke break, even if you don't smoke. I've done this from time to time and it was only brought to my attention once. I then pointed out that some people were going out every hour for a smoke and I took five min for some fresh air once during the afternoon. Haven't heard about it since. You're right it isn't fair and some people take advantage of it. Also, whether or not you smoke, you should be getting a five minute breather every few hours. No one should be a martyr. If they can go out for a smoke, they can certainly cover for you for five or ten minutes if you need it.
Specializes in Operating Room.

There are always those who are hostile, and apparently under stress, as this poster. I asked a simple question as to why smoke? You see the dangers it causes..... I didnt attack anyone, say it should be banned.........Just a simple question as to why? Just to satisfy a curiousity........So no reason to be hateful, as nobody is being hateful to you.

Im curious how many mechanics out there let there car go 10,000 miles without an oil change? How many landscapers let their lawns go unmowed for weeks..........In their profession, they see the damage not changing your oil can cause...........BUt we as nurses ignore it..........SO to reask my question---Why?

I don't think anyone was being hateful to you exactly, but people just get tired of hearing about them smoking. for people in their profession....why is it that many, many times: a plumber's plumbing is the last to be fixed, a heating and air conditioner mechanic's air and heat won't work, a carpet salesman/installer has bad carpet, a lawyer breaks the law, preachers don't practice what they preach, a car salesperson drives a beat up clunker, etc, etc, etc.

Again....Because we are human. Just because we have chosen a profession, doesn't mean we must live our lives perfectly according to a certain rule book.

Many started their bad habits years before nursing school. Many enjoy their lives while they are alive, no matter what. (Everyone is going to die, why not enjoy it now?)

Who knows the answer to your question, and all these others.....and here's another one: Why, if one doesn't smoke, would he/she want to work at a cigarette company?

OH....and that very famous question: Why is the sky blue? :chuckle

There's many questions out there that are only that one person's business. :beercuphe :smokin:

Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.
Smoking is proven to cause lung cancer........

Unprotected sex, you are playing russian roulette with diseases and pregnancy, but not guarenteed.......

The same could go with occasional drinking and the diet.........But smoking is proven.

Are you then saying that all who smoke get lung cancer? If so, it is simply not the case. Not all who smoke have heart disease either. We just can't say these things are "guaranteed".

Is it unhealthy? Sure it is ! But is it a "guaranteed" sentence to lung cancer, (or ANY form of ca), heart disease, emphysema, COPD ? No. It is not.

I have many patients who have all of the above diseases who have never smoked, nor been exposed to smoking in their environments.

My uncle died of ling ca and never out a cigarette to his lips. My grandmother died of ca and neither she nor ANYONE in her family or circle of aquaintances smoked..ever.

My dh's father smoked 'til he was 93 and he died of a stroke. At 93 who cares what one died of? We've got to die of something, right? Shall we blame his stroke/death on cigarettes? Woul we prefer he died of tetorifice or TB or staph infection.. I mean, what difference does it make ? At 93, we're well on our way out the door.

And what if he had never smoked and died of the same stroke, as many do who never smoke?

Not advocating this nasty, expensive habit, but I think we take it just a tad too far. As mentioned above, there is a whole lot more out there besides smoking that we do to harm our bodies dailey.


Specializes in Public Health, DEI.
I'd hate it if someone labeled a subject that was on my mind as "pointless". What's "pointless" to one might be a legitimate concern for another?

Perhaps they're just trying to understand why, therefore just asked? (Words echoing from nursing school: "There's no such thing as a stupid question.") You never know EXACTLY what it's like, even if you share the same type of habit, because people do it for different reason, and it affects people in different ways.

I've gotta agree with you, Marie. Why is it necessary to share an opinion that a topic is pointless? What, then, does that make one's participation in said thread? I actually think the question posed by the OP is thought provoking, which is probably because I never cease to be amazed by the intricacies of the human brain. As a field of study, addiction is actually quite interesting.

why do people care what others do if it doesn't involve them? :rolleyes:

It is surprising to me how many of my classmates smoke. Close to half, maybe more. And most of these are young, educated women who know the health risks associated with smoking. Maybe I am completely off-base here, but I think a main reason many of the younger girls take it up is to lose weight/prevent weight gain. Any opinions on that?

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.
It is surprising to me how many of my classmates smoke. Close to half, maybe more. And most of these are young, educated women who know the health risks associated with smoking. Maybe I am completely off-base here, but I think a main reason many of the younger girls take it up is to lose weight/prevent weight gain. Any opinions on that?

I am sure you're right and that at least some of your classmates are smoking for weight related reasons. Health wise, they'd be better off with an extra 10 pounds or so, but this culture is positively obsessed with being thin. It is much worse than when I was young, and it was bad then. A woman at my work took up smoking a couple years ago to lose weight after her husband dumped her for the proverbial younger, thinner woman. She lost 50 pounds in a matter of months. Trouble she's facing now is that she's regained the weight, and she is hooked on cigarettes to boot. Our jobs are funded by tobacco taxes, so she always jokes that she's keeping us employed, but in reality, she's mentioned a couple times that she could kick herself for starting, when she knew the risks.

Specializes in Obstetrics, M/S, Psych.
I have one question....... WHY?

It's an addiction. I know you know that, so my one question is...why ask why? Perhaps you don't understand the power of addiction? It really doesn't care how educated one is.

Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.
It's an addiction. I know you know that, so my one question is...why ask why? Perhaps you don't understand the power of addiction? It really doesn't care how educated one is.

Good answer, sbic ! That pretty much sums it up.

Nice to see you around again !

I have one question....... WHY?

well, anyone could ask about nurses that drink...why? to each his own i say. :rolleyes: :)

Nurses who drink and drink , nurses who eat high fat diets, nurses who have unprotected sex..............................Please the list goes on and on and on.

Freedom of choice, is that not what we fight wars for!


amen...amen.... :)

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