Nurses struggling with mental illness

Nurses Disabilities


I was just wondering if there are any other nurses who struggle with mental illness. It seems to be one disability that is met with little tolerance and support in the medical field. I do have major co-morbid mental illness, Major depression/PTSD/DID, and have had many problems in my career. I have been in therapy and on meds for a long time and have worked very hard to be functional, and I have suprised myself by what I have been able to achieve. Currently, I am a hospice nurse in a residential setting and it seems that I have found my niche. It doesn't aggravate my illness too much. I am very busy at times and most of my job revolves in much cognitive thinking and decision making about the best ways to respond to a patient's emerging or existing symptoms, and in assessing patients to see where they are in the dying process, plus lots of educating to patients and families. My extensive personal trauma background has made me able to have a different perspective on death and don't see it as the scary thing that is SO SAD, that a lot of people do. Plus, because of the things that I have been through, I am more able to be compassionate and understanding of patients and their fears. I especially do well with patients with existing mental illness or lots of anxiety. I notice that a lot of nurses have little tolerance for a patients anxiety and are not willing to take the extra time to walk them through things and provide the extra reassurance that they need.

Yes, there are some nursing jobs that I don't think I would be able to do because of the fast on the spot life and death action necessary. ER and Trauma/Burn are pretty much out for me. But thats OK. A lot of nurses couldn't handle doing what I do either for their own reasons. We are all suited to certain things.

Having mental illness doesn't automatically make you unsuited for the nursing profession. Even though I have heard many times, "what are you doing here?" "Shouldn't you be doing something else, less stressful?"

I am here and am doing the thing I am suited for. Yes sometimes I have to take time off due to my illness, but its no different than somone who has flare ups of a chronic physical illness like lupus, chronic fatigue, or fibromyalgia.

I would like to know how other nurses have coped with their own illness and their nursing careers.


I'm also on seroquel but not for long. Talk about nightmares!! I'd rather not sleep....nasty stuff.


Specializes in Alzheimer's, Geriatrics, Chem. Dep..
I'm also on seroquel but not for long. Talk about nightmares!! I'd rather not sleep....nasty stuff.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------Fuzzy - just keep an eye on it LOL - it was ok for a very little while for me! in fact had used it for a prn sleep/ de-polarizer LOL - with good effect - OCCASIONALLY - but not as a RULE! - once I started taking it nightly and at gradually increasing doses over the course of I think a month - chit hit the proverbial fan ha ha


Specializes in Alzheimer's, Geriatrics, Chem. Dep..

Hi, I too suffer from mental illnes PTSD, anxiety,and depression.I am glad to know that I am not alone, as well as there is a chance for me to survive as a nurse. Currently I am in school and work as a cardiac monitor tech, and provide patient care. I am unsure where my niche is but, pray it will find me.Good luck in your career.

It is great to finally see that I am not the only nurse in the world with mental illness. I have bipolar disorder. I was diagnosed in 1998. For years, I thought that the psychiatrists were quacks. I never recognized the mania/hypomania in myself until recently. I couldn't see past the major depressive episodes. It took a recent manic/hypomanic episode in which I started writing my memoirs to be able to see the whole picture. When you get depressed, you seem to loose the ability to recall ever being happy. You see only doom and gloom. I recommend keeping a mood diary and journal. They are both very helpful in keeping up with even subtle changes in mood and personality.

I feel like I am now on the right track with my meds since my psychiatrist and I are on the same page. I wish everyone luck in your lifelong journey.

Ever since I experienced a trauma 5 years ago, I get waves of depression that I call attacks. Something precipitates me to get upset. I am silent and feel nothing for a while. Then the crying starts, and once it starts, I am unable to stop without tlc from my husband and an ativan. Then I am fine until the next time. It is very scary. Krissy

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Sphinx}}}}}}}}}}}} have missed you! how is your movie star BF LOL?

Had a tough time at the end of this year, same as last year with hypomania to mania, treated with Seroquel, which then made the sx WORSE - just like the Geodon - doc didn't believe me! arghhhh.... I'm now about 80% better thank you God!


Missed you too, luv!

LOL re Colin! Believe it or not, I kinda put him to the back of my mind. Still love him to pieces, but this year has been very, very different for me and he's not been foremost in my mind! heehee!

Getting off prednisone seems to have helped me, my attitude and mood is much better the last week or two......pain is bad, but I'm not a raving loon like I was on the prednisone. My moods were all over the map! I was cussing out people at work for no reason at all, just hideous!

hello, i too am suffering from a mental illness and it is not the end of the world anymore for me. Yet i still find that it will hold me back at times. some more than others. any suggestions. anyone

Specializes in ER, Surgery, Community, Geriatrics.

Wow - it seems like I have stumbled across a place where I will not feel so alone - I am so glad to know there are other nurses out there who have been through this frustration and difficulty!!! I will post about myself later - I was currently wondering if there is anyone out there who has found any research on this topic? I am doing a research course and would like to see any paperwork on this. thanks in advance - looking forward to hearing from you!


Specializes in Alzheimer's, Geriatrics, Chem. Dep..
Missed you too, luv!

LOL re Colin! Believe it or not, I kinda put him to the back of my mind. Still love him to pieces, but this year has been very, very different for me and he's not been foremost in my mind! heehee!

Getting off prednisone seems to have helped me, my attitude and mood is much better the last week or two......pain is bad, but I'm not a raving loon like I was on the prednisone. My moods were all over the map! I was cussing out people at work for no reason at all, just hideous!

{{{{{{{{{{{{{Sphinx}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} hard to believe, yes, that Colin has been relegated to the back shelf, LOL!

Been in the psy hospital x2 this month, wicked mania, started Tegetrol, seem to be mellowing a bit ... sknxxx - am feeling the best I have in 2 years being OFF THE FRIGGIN ATIVAN! sigh...

Specializes in Alzheimer's, Geriatrics, Chem. Dep..
Wow - it seems like I have stumbled across a place where I will not feel so alone - I am so glad to know there are other nurses out there who have been through this frustration and difficulty!!! I will post about myself later - I was currently wondering if there is anyone out there who has found any research on this topic? I am doing a research course and would like to see any paperwork on this. thanks in advance - looking forward to hearing from you!


{{{{{{{{{Jen}}}}}}}}}} I would love to see it too, keep us posted! Glad to see you here!

{{{{{{{{{{{{{Sphinx}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} hard to believe, yes, that Colin has been relegated to the back shelf, LOL!

Been in the psy hospital x2 this month, wicked mania, started Tegetrol, seem to be mellowing a bit ... sknxxx - am feeling the best I have in 2 years being OFF THE FRIGGIN ATIVAN! sigh...

What problem did you have with Ativan? I take one 2mg. to fall asleep after PTSD.


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