i am a RN who works part time in geropsych and part time at another hospital on general surgical ward.
i have scars on my upper arms from previous years when i used to cut myself. recently these were discovered by a co worker, who has complained to the DON about me, stating i am unfit for work, i am "crazy", and has made up allegations of things i have said and done to her that are not true. However no one believes me as i am the "mentally ill" one apparantly. they sent the crisis team to my house (for scars on my arms that are years old, as well as allegations from this other nurse that i am suicidal - which is not the case.) i wasnt home when the MH people came by as i was at my other job. now i dont know what to say to them tomorrow???? no one believes anything i say. It seems it has been decided already that i have lost the plot.
i dont mind if i lose the job, as i dont want to work at a facility where things like this go on, but i am scared now that the DON might ring my other place of work and tell them i am not fit for work. can she do this? can she ring the board and have me suspended because it is her opinion i am "mentally unstable" even tho it is not the case, and there is no evidence of this?? i havent done anything wrong, except a HX of SI years ago...i am on anti depressant meds curently, wiill this make me look bad?? i know people who have been de-registered due to mental health problems, and it scares me that it might happen to me. surely this cant be right! i havent done anything! what can i do to show them i am ok??