TPAPN...ETOH and other questions

Nurses Recovery


Hello, I have just started the process of enrolling in TPAPN and was wanting some info my case worker hasn't specified. First, with the ETOH testing, they say don't use hand sanitizer/ vanilla extract/ect but looking through my daily use products i feel like i'm getting confused cause does that mean i can't use lotion, shampoo, conditioner, perfume, make up, soap...ect everything has ceytl alcohol in it so i'm wondering if those are ok to use. Also on the drug testing note is there anything else that causes a false positive that i need to look out for like decongestants, energy drinks/pre-workout ingredients, ect? My next question is that my case manager didn't quit specify if I need to have a consent to disclose/prescription/progress report with doctors like a dentist or my gynecologist or any other type of non-psych i? I have just graduated and have no idea what i got myself into with nursing and with tpapn and am scared it's going to be awful. so far all i have done is have my assessment and they recommended basic monitoring and some counseling. I know i need to register with the recovery trek but am putting that off until my case manager decides what i need to do cause i really don't want to have to do 90/90 unless i have to and i don't want to have to start drug screen earlier than needed cause i don't have a job and 55 a pop seems pretty expensive... i feel lost and am scared i will mess up something minor that will ruin the whole process. any answers and advice would be super awesome!

Also gum...i've noticed gum has sugar alcohol...can i chew gum on tpapn?

Take a breath just read your contract and follow it to the letter once you sign there is a time frame which you have to set up with Recovery Trek. I always did the be safe not sorry rule bought my own hand sanitizer changed mouth wash etc. as for travel there is a form for travel request do everything online there is a way on Recovery Trek to email your CM monthly reports much better than phone tag and you have a paper trail do not miss a call in or a paperwork deadline I didn't know will not fly as for OTC meds you can print off a Tabor's handbook it tells you what you can and can not take. Just do one day at a time and you will make it

Read your drug list, unless prescribed you cannot take anything with ephedrine it's banned, nor Benadryl, nor cough syrup with anything other than guifensin. Option 3 tests for these.

Stay in good graces, you need to get in recovery Tek now, they count it from day you get referred. If your case manager said register do it ASAP. Everyone has to do 90 in 90 and six month narc restriction. This is not negotiable. When I was allowed to return to work I did have some restrictions lifted, allowed to work nights and home health but these were lifted do to good compliance.

Hi barbs23,

If you are enrolling in TPAPN at some point you will download and print a bunch of forms, among them a list of prescriptions and Release of Information forms for all your health care providers. There is also in there somewhere a Talbots' Medication Guide that provides information about OTC medications and household products. You will learn to read labels very carefully and ask questions before placing orders in restaurants. It is overwhelming at first but after a while it becomes routine. Where do you live ? I live in Georgetown.

I am in north Austin. I read the medication guide and got some answers but a lot of it was based just off the brand.. it seem like most all lotion and hair conditioners, many soaps, and chewing gum have some form of alcohol in I really have to go buy all knew stuff

It would be to your advantage to become vigilant. The testing methods used by TPAPN are very sensitive and if you test positive they will be unforgiving. Yes, its a nuisance and unfair but you will survive.

Specializes in OR.

Follow your contract to a tee. Stupid, yes, inconvenient and unfair, also yes. Appallingly expensive, most definietly yes.

i think the issue about hand sanitizer popping a positive is a scare tactic. How the heck are you supposed to work as a nurse if you cannot use the hand sanitizer? There is a lot of mis/non infor mation that these programs give out. They very frequently work off a culture of fear.

As far as my GYN, dentist etc? Ummm no. They can have my primary's name, but this invades my privacy enough that I am not about to disclose when and where I have my lady parts check or my teeth cleaned. If I am not taking or being given anything that is a questionable substance than no, I am not saying a darn thing about that.

Be vigilant, but do not let them run your life.

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