Published Jan 11, 2010
3 Posts
Hi, I am a nurse in NYC. I have 8 years experience and would like to know how many nurses out there quit and went into another profession. Nursing is wonderful but tough at the same time. Are there any ex nurses or would be ex nurses out there? what profession did you choose after nursing? thanks
413 Posts
Theres a lot of specialization in Nursing.. Try the other area.
5 Posts
I am not a nurse but am a MSW social worker looking to go into nursing. I know that Valueoptions in NYC is looking for telephonic case management nursing if you are looking to get out of the hospital. I applied to do a social work case management portion, but I do not have enough experience.
575 Posts
I did, after 19 years I had burn out and due to the trend in moving LPN's out of the hospital I looked for a change. I dusted off my high school typing skills, learn word processing software and started working as an Admin Assistant and moved on to Tech Writing, Graphics, Spreedsheet statistics, Database Design and eventually Web Design(certified). I worked in the IT field for a long time moving up and then the bottom fell in that field and returned to Title Examiner work that was lots of fun but then 18 months ago the Real Estate market died. So, now I'm returning to nursing because no one wants to hire a 59 year old secretary.
I would recommend doing what you need to do to keep your license active, it differs from state to state so check with your BON. As an RN there are many more options for you, just recently in GA on of the Com Colleges is offering a program to get your Clinical Research Certificate and that could lead to coodinating/managing research programs. There are also, insurance companies and law firms that need your medical expertise to review records and documents for investigative purposes. Again lots of options for you and Good Luck!
tokmom, BSN, RN
4,568 Posts
Yeah me. I got out after 20 yrs, (16 as an RN and 4 as an LPN)and I worked at home. I have seven kids and one is special needs. I devoted my time to her. I have a passion for SpEd law and started to work with an advocacy group and was aiming to get a paid position. Sadly, I had to give it up to go back to work as my husband became ill. I have thought about working for a law firm, or insurance company, but how much do they pay?
Same here. Nurse 8yrs. Spent past year in ortho/medsurg. It's the floor no one wants to work on because its so hard/demanding and versitle you never know what type of line your going to end up with. I greatly appriciate the skills sets I have become efficient in, but havent enjoyed it here at all. Husband thinks I should just try another nursing field. I am not at all sure where to proceed... Thinking Psych??
thank you everybody for your wonderful replies.
I am thinking of going into pysch too. I wonder what the requirements for this major are.
mustlovepoodles, RN
1,041 Posts
I did. I was sick of it. I even went back to school and got a degree in Elementary Ed. Taught 3rd grade for a few years and homeschooled my kids. But then I realized that I missed nursing so I went back. Found a different specialty. Since then I have found another specialty, burnt out once, took a year off,and tried to find a different line of work. Then a new job in my specialty just fell into my lap(better situation, though) and I start in a couple weeks. I guess when it's meant to be, it's meant to be.
I hope you can find peace whatever you do.
Not sure either, which is probably why I am still an Ortho Nurse . Just need to jump out of my comfort zone and get an interview. Hope it works out for you!
18 Posts
Blood collections such as Apheresis, Plasma collections, Drug Reps, Visit Nuses, Case Managers......just start looking online. In my area there is an influx of nurses and not enough jobs. I accidentally applied to a dream job that turned out to be in another state-they called me for an interview the day after I'd applied! I am not in a position to move to another state at the moment, but if I do not get even an interview... (I've had only 6 in 5 months-1 offered 21.00 per hour as an RN, 2 were creepy facilities where no one smiled-I accepted one of them and quit after 11 days, 1 temp job which I took but really sporadic assignments not enough hours to eat on, 1 where they never called me back "I have alot of applicants to interview" and another one coming up. I am giving it until summer, then getting a temp license in another state, get my house situated, applying in other states and relocating if I get a job. It's not something I look forward to as I am in my late 50's. But if that's what it takes-moving away from family and friends feels lonely.
54 Posts
I am a recent grad so my opinion probably doesn't count :) but I can't imagine TOTALLY jumping ship to go into a different profession. Nurses can work in other aspects than the floor of a hospital. They can work in law, psych, etc. I love this link:
If you are really thinking about totally changing careers, maybe choose something that you can still use your current knowledge and degree to get into it? The economy is terrible right now...not a good time to start a new career altogether.