Nurses eating their young


Everyone has heard this: Nurses eat their young. What I want to know is; why?

As a group we have the power to change our behavior and the culture of nursing, so why does this happen? Do we resent new grads having it a little easier than us? Are scared of their knowledge? (stuff they learned in school, that we had to learn on our own.)

How and what do we do to change this?

Anyway, if we could identify and talk about possible reasons...we might find new ways to change how we do stuff.

All of us above a certain age have experienced ageism, and I don't like it one bit! So is "eating our young" a similar form of discrimination?

Your thoughts and advice on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I believe the problem is the fact that preceptors are given their normal patient load and having the task of precepting a new nurse to the facility, adds more stress to an already stressful shift. Some preceptors are frustrated because in reality, they are doing two jobs in one shift. It is more stressful when it is a new graduate with no nursing experience at all. Facilities should have preceptors who just precept and they should not be given a full 5 to 6 patient assignment. So, new nurses think that they are disliked but in actuality, it is the frustration and pressure that makes some preceptors seem unkind. On the other hand, some preceptors do not have the gift or patience to teach, therefore they should not be required to do so. Facilities should only use the nurses who are willing and love to teach. This is just my perspective.:nurse:

I get really frustrated when my real job is put on the backburner to deal with the immediate problem, newbies just get pushed to the side and I know feel like they are useless because they can't contribute or worse abandoned and disliked.

eating-smileys-emoticons34.gif nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
Because they replaced all of the Coca-Cola and Snickers bars in the vending machines with Vitamin Water Zero and rice cakes.


Oh God, that's just cruel, it's justifiable homicide, kill the vending machine not new grads!!!!! Did they take the caffinated coffee away too? They have one teeny tiney pot in the lobby for guests and that's it for visitors get peanut butter cooookies....we don't.


It isn't just seasoned nurses (I think their names are Rosemary and Basil) chowing down on the newbies. Sometimes the newbies do their own version of chomping. And the young 'uns sometimes take a bite out of each other. As do the older stewing hens.

No one should be snacking on a co-worker. If you have a complaint, handle it like an adult. We don't need to worry about other professions giving us guff when we can be our own worst enemies.

Let's all of us go on a co-worker abstinence program and take a bite out of . . . disrespect. :D

Rosemary and Basil....I guess Sage is the Good ol nurse who rescues new grads and old farts like me!

love it!!!

i love you, can i work at your hospital?!

100% my opinion too.

I think grads and students expect every nurse will want to teach and add that into their work load which is heavy enough. Being pulled in different directions does not bring out the best in me. So, if that means I am one of those "who eat their young" then I'll gladly raise my hand and admit to it.

Students and grads can thank the hospitals for not employing enough staff development nurses and clinical preceptors. The $$ is more important to the hospital than the grads and students. Exepcting the ward nurses to do all the teaching, mentoring, support, damage control is why so many feel like they are "the eaten young".

I so get it, I get snappish and moody when I'm overworked and overtired, add to that problems at home, it takes all my energy to just focus on my work and get done. I find myself working really hard to not snap at co-workers who are asking questions that they could look up for themselves because it is faster to ask me. I like being needed but not that for thought....mmmm coookies, amybe some chicken fingers...just kidding!


Rosemary and Basil....I guess Sage is the Good ol nurse who rescues new grads and old farts like me!

Yeah, but only when she has the thyme.

Nurses eat their young? Nahhh.. They often eat and destroy almost anyone or anything in their paths. I think a lot of nurses need to learn humility and compassion.


I have found most established Nurses like to TEACH and help out the newbies.

If the Nurse is secure in her skills and not worried that you may know more then she does, because you are "fresh" out of school and possibly remember more of the educational aspect, she should want to help you.

If for some reason the Nurse is unkind and unhelpful, it may be she is unhappy being a Nurse and wants to be else where. Kepp looking for the Nurse that is willing to help, She is there.

Specializes in LTC.

I've never felt eaten or bullied. At least not overly so. I've had the snide comments from other nurses. Actually I felt VERY bullied as a CNA by nurses. Now it seems that I'm on the same level as them they tend to leave me alone. The thing that does annoy me in nursing is when other nurses are so proud that they finished their med pass before I did. I really don't care when they finished their med pass.

Cnas get the worst treatment and they are the backbone 2 nursing facilities! Some nurse feel because they are a nurse they can look down upon cnas! Not cool... they deserve 2 be treated with respect just like everyone else.. we are a team its not I its US...

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