Published Jan 14, 2004
25 Posts
I have worked with blood all my life, Red Cross, Angio, PACU, IV Therapy, Any nurses out there who are interested in the same thing? Blood is what keeps us alive:)
live4today, RN
5,099 Posts
Nooooooo....can't say that I've ever had a passion for blood.
Hearts are a good thing to be passionate about, but "blood"???
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
That's interesting. I've never given blood a second thought. But you're right, it's our life, transports our oxygen, nourishes our cells. Blood is quite important.
Hemetology is a field in and of itself.
The best thing about blood is that we can share.
Nurse Ratched, RN
2,149 Posts
I am passionate about *donating* blood. Such an easy thing to do for others.
401 Posts
I think it is a shame how blood transfusion is taken so lightly. The Red Cross is always saying we have a shortage. I feel it really needs to be rationed for who needs it the most. I have a hard time with having 2-4 units on hold for 85yr old with insurance who has been plucked out of a nsg home for a third CABG!!
ktwlpn, LPN
3,844 Posts
Originally posted by Geeg I feel it really needs to be rationed for who needs it the most. I have a hard time with having 2-4 units on hold for 85yr old with insurance who has been plucked out of a nsg home for a third CABG!!
I feel it really needs to be rationed for who needs it the most. I have a hard time with having 2-4 units on hold for 85yr old with insurance who has been plucked out of a nsg home for a third CABG!!
780 Posts
With all the time in vascular access, Oncology and hematology, I have gone full circle and now try to find blood when it is not seen. In Nursing, there is nothing more reinforcing then getting a flashback when starting an IV.