Nurse Quacktitioner Doll

Nurses Activism


Here is a link to a website selling this idiotic toy.

Furryville Collectible Single Figure Nurse Quacktitioner

This is for those of you who want to leave a review letting people know how wrong this image of a nurse is.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

I don't find it offensive. Did you find the Moose Patrol offensive too?

Specializes in Med Surg.

I find these much more offensive:

3WISHES.COM - Buy Nurse Costume, Sexy Nurse Costume, Naughty Nurse Costumes for Women, Nurse Lingerie, Nurse Outfits, Sexy Nurse Halloween Costumes for Adults, Outfit Nurses Uniforms

it's really terrible how nursing is sexualized in pop culture (not that the duck toy shows that, but they make those costumes for girls too...

Child Nurse Costume

does that really need to be short and shiny??

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

i think it's kind of cute. I noticed you didn't write a review saying how offended you were by it.

I agree with tiedied - let's skip the sexy/slutty nurse stereotype.

Specializes in Flu clinics, Med/Surg, Acute Care.

Not sure what the big deal is? Its just a duck in a nursing uniform. I've seen worse stuffed animals with doctor and nurse costumes. :clown:

I take you are upset because of the play on words and assuming it associates nurses with being quacks.

I personally think it's cute and if I was a nurse I would want it for myself!

Specializes in Legal, Ortho, Rehab.

Well, I don't think they meant it. In my eyes, they tried to be cute, but failed. Oh well, can't please everyone...

Specializes in Family Practice, Urgent Care, Cardiac Ca.

They make them for physicians too....

Specializes in Family Medicine, Tele/Cardiac, Camp.

I don't have a problem with the stuffed toy/image.

I do have a problem with the name. Before I clicked the link I thought it would be something blatantly making fun of nurses for being quacks/not as qualified as doctors. Or something like that.

I went out to lunch with my brother and a bunch of his friends the other day. All of whom work with a science organization affiliated with an elite well-known university. The subject of Halloween came up (I'm sure you can see where this is going) and I found myself so disappointed that I was once again, STILL, having to explain to these otherwise obviously well-educated, accepting, diverse people the harm in the constant sexualization of the nursing image/profession and what it does to discredit our intelligence, skills, and abilities.

It's so frustrating.

Specializes in Family Medicine, Tele/Cardiac, Camp.

After thinking about it a bit more, I did write a review. Although I doubt it will get posted (it seems they are all screen), it felt good to write. Though it may be the case that AliveToday and I are the only ones interested, here's what I wrote:

While I find this toy to be cute, I respectfully request that you consider changing the name. The title of "Nurse Quacktitioner" only serves to undermine the sharp intellect and intense training required to be a nurse. Additionally, the name dismisses the varied and highly sought-after abilities of nurses and discredits a profession in a time when more and more people are turning to trusted Nurse Practitioners instead of physicians as their primary health-care providers. Thank you.


A competent, proud, Registered Nurse

Specializes in chemical dependency detox/psych.
I find these much more offensive:

3WISHES.COM - Buy Nurse Costume, Sexy Nurse Costume, Naughty Nurse Costumes for Women, Nurse Lingerie, Nurse Outfits, Sexy Nurse Halloween Costumes for Adults, Outfit Nurses Uniforms

it's really terrible how nursing is sexualized in pop culture (not that the duck toy shows that, but they make those costumes for girls too...

Child Nurse Costume

does that really need to be short and shiny??

In regards to the little girl's costume: Ewwwwww!

Specializes in hospice, corrections.

I have to admit that it isn't as cute as the "Nurse Nightenbear" that was out a few years ago. Boy I wish I had one of those now.

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