Published Feb 11, 2012
54 Posts
Do a lot of nps... Resort to soda? Do nps think sodas are bad? How about diet soda?
I don't drink pop but just wondering.
What's your personal experience?
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all confidential and no financial gain for me or you. Not affiliated with any soda company (or any other companies for that matter)....well, my college I suppose since I came up with this topic to analyze. I am also a nursing student for class of 2013.
psu_213, BSN, RN
3,878 Posts
Out of curiosity, why are you asking? (not an NP here)
so I could statistically analyze
random and strange questions pop in my head sometimes and I try to answer them by making them my research topic whenever I get a chance to do one (mainly for my psych classes though)
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
Nope never drink soda. Rots your teeth and kidneys.
17 Articles; 45,819 Posts
Only sugar-free and only maybe, 1 per day.
I see. Interesting.
40 Posts
They are closet drinkers I'm thinking! :icon_roll
25 Posts
Not an NP but I don't like the bubbles so I very rarely drink sodas maybe a ginger ale a month?
51 Posts
Nope. I try to stay away from it. I do make an exception if I need it to chase my alcohol =]. Love Jack and COke!
BCgradnurse, MSN, RN, NP
1,678 Posts
I drink way too much diet soda. I like the bubbles and I love the caffeine that Diet Coke provides. I did stop for 2 years once, but relapsed.......
38,333 Posts
Some of us live on it.
7,736 Posts
Diet Pepsi addicted. Love Mt Dew, room temp, drink it fast thru a straw! Wait for it, wait for it ... caffeine rush!
I think of weird topics too. Like do nursing students prefer jelly donuts vs creme donuts before tests?!? Inquiring minds want to know!:rotfl:
Not an advanced degree, but advanced years of experience (38).