Published May 1, 2005
59 Posts
Did u have to deliver a bb b/c the doc or MW did not make it in time? how do u proceed? what was our experience?
Ginny SNM RN Doula
mandykal, ADN, RN
343 Posts
Did u have to deliver a bb b/c the doc or MW did not make it in time? how do u proceed? what was our experience?Ginny SNM RN Doula
347 Posts
Are you asking how to deliver a baby or how to proceed with documentation and everything afterward?
no I am just curious if it has happened to you and what internal protocols do u follow.
Ginny RN SNM
640 Posts
no I am just curious if it has happened to you and what internal protocols do u follow.Ginny RN SNM
I work nights at a community hospital so this has happened to me a few times. There are forms to fill out for internal record keeping. This can reflect on the docs as well. We have one group that goes to three hospitals with only one person on call each night. They have the most RN births.
In a practical sense, we make sure bleeding is under control and that the doc is on his way. Sometimes the doc tells us it will be a while and that we need to deliver the placenta. We go ahead with bonding and breasting and the doc will come in and do any repair necessary and make sure the placenta was complete. Does this answer the question?
138 Posts
I was working in L&D for about 3 weeks...I had a very near
My patient was G1, came in DURING her baby shower,with the whole party trying to traipse in behind her....she was 2 cm, but contracting nicely, good rhythm...her attending told us to call him when she was 8....she went complete in about 45 minutes. I told the resident (possibly an intern) who was assigned to us that night...that he needed to call the attending and meet us in the delivery room. He looked scared and said we couldn't go to the DR until the attending arrived. Yeah, right. So, Mom, Dad and I were in the DR, and baby was crowning. I was NOT happy. That resident stood outside the door looking in through the window and WOULD NOT come in. Thank God everything was "looking good" to me!!! I was standing there ready to catch, when the attending swooped in, threw on gloves and told me I could move. I never trusted that resident again. That was the closest I ever came to delivering a term baby.
Another time, it was change of shift and I was assigned to maybe a 30-weeker. At my first check, the baby was out, between the moms legs in the bed....she didn't know!
As Roseanne Rosannadanna said "its always something!" ~~Karen
babyktchr, BSN, RN
850 Posts
I have had my share of deliveries. It just can't be helped sometimes. Babies come no matter who is or isn't there. Have you ever helped someone take off their panties to find a head sticking out??? Makes for a WHOOOPS out loud!!!! Some women have the luck of the lightning fast labor and the baby just wants those cases, you just have to do it. We got a nice inservice from our chief of service on delivery, but until you do it, it is still scary sometimes. Usually the MD or CNM gets there before the placenta, but I have delivered most of those, did cord blood etc. ALL of my deliveries were INTACT (woohooo)....but if they weren't, of course that would wait for the care provider.
We have to fill out a safety tracking tool...( our version of an incident report), but we don't get paid....unfortunately.
1,378 Posts
Doc misses deivery or in my case, doc couldn't get to room fast enough. Baby turned and came out in one push! Oh well!