number of questions on boards??


Hey everyone, I'm new to this site but thought it would help to get other peoples input who have been in my shoes! I took the NCLEX-RN this morning and came out of there very discouraged. I was just praying it would stop at 75 but it kept going and I ended up with 140 questions. I don't know enough about all of this, but I feel like this means that I failed. I kept waiting and waiting but had no calculations. HELP!! Does the number of questions determine the likely hood of passing??



Please don't get hung up on the number of questions. You will drive yourself crazy. People pass and fail at 75 and people pass and fail at 265. It is very rare for someone to walk out of that test thinking they passed, but most do. I also had no caluculations but I passed. I've heard that calc questions are considered easy, so if you had none that is a good sign. The worse part is waiting, go out, do something fun to keep your mind busy and off that test...good luck

Specializes in Education, Administration, Magnet.

Good luck to you. The waiting part will be the hardest. I also didn't have any calculations and I passed.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

It means it took you 140 questions to pass or 140 to fail. Don't get hung up on the number. It's over. Try to relax about it. 99.9999% of us leave NCLEX perplexed and feeling like we could have failed.

thank you so much for the kind words!! i am trying to keep myself busy...but nothing keeps me BUSY enough to keep my mind off of that test.

We were told in school that math calculation questions were considered lower level questions. They expect you to know math. Not that it is a bad sign to get a math question, but they say that if you get it wrong, it is not a good sign. Also, I got 75 questions, and I feel as if I failed as well. The longer I wait for results (No Quick Results in My State), the more I remember a question. I know I missed quite a few. Supposedly, you are allowed to miss quite a few. The key is to miss the extremely difficult questions and stay above the passing level. I tried to say for every 1 that I got wrong, hopefully I got 3 or 4 right.

Think about it you got 140 questions minus the 15 throw away which is now 125, you could miss half (50%) that is roughly 50-60 questions of them as long as you remained above passing.

To me you had a better advantage than someone like me who only got 75. Take away my 15, and I am left with 60 questions. Take half of that and that is about 30 questions to meet the 50% above passing.

Don't sweat it, I am sure you did well.

I am trying to stay positive myself. I have to wait until Tuesday. 2 long business days.

good luck with your results!! everyone that i knew that took it on a saturday got their results Monday night at midnight. Our state also doesn't have quick results either....go figure!! did you take yours sat?

Specializes in oncology, trauma, home health.

Hey Carriebaby

I am right there with you!!!

I had 75 q's when I took it yesterday, Saturday 6/30..Now what?? You really think they won't be posted until Monday at midnight? I can't stand it anymore!

i guess it just depends. sometimes they post them quickly and sometimes they take their sweet time from what i have heard....but that's just what I have heard...not from experience. I'm right there with you--i want to know right now!!

Specializes in Pre/PACU.

I got 160 some questions. It was totally different than any of the practice tests that I took. I feel totally miserable right now because I feel like I got nothing right.

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