NTI - How to Secure a Nasogastric Tube (NGT), Securely!

Our patients that require an NG sometimes are wriggly and sweaty, resulting in dislodgement of the tube. This can be dangerous for our pt as well as time-consuming for us. Here is a solution.


NTI - How to Secure a Nasogastric Tube (NGT), Securely!

You go into a patient room and find the NGT lying on the bed with the tube feeding spewing a nasty circle of smelly liquid onto the sheets. Oh oh - lets get the patient cleaned up, and then we have to reinsert the NGT. But...whats to keep it from coming out again? How do we better secure the NGT? We've all seen and probably used many tricks to secure an NGT: benzoin, different ways of taping, different types of tape. Ugh! Frustrating and time-consuming.

NTI recently attended NTI in Houston and interviewed exhibitors. Halyard has a new product that helps to secure an NGT securely. "CORGRIP is now compatible for use with sump tubes up to 18 FR, providing a more secure connection for decompression, suction and drainage of the stomach. The use of this securement device may reduce the overall costs of patient care by reducing multiple procedures from dislodged tubes."

What does your hospital/facility use? What's been your experience with this product?

(Editorial Team / Admin)

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Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

So not useful in peds... bummer!

We use the AMT Bridle system at my work on adolescents. Same concept, but different name

There seems to be trouble with the sound quality of the video.

Specializes in Critical Care.

I've worked at places that have tried the bridles, then gone back to adhesive securement. The problem we had with the bridles is that patients can easily pull them out since they are made to release with relatively minimal force. I get the theory, that the initial discomfort on the vomer bone when they start to pull on it will keep them from pulling harder, but that's a level of rational thinking that is rare in patients who are at risk of pulling their tube out.