Topics About 'Ngt'.
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I been worrying myself sick since I let quite abit of air go down my NGT, due to a faulty feeding pump, I informed the doctor and she laughed and said I could let as much air as I liked go down just...
Is it mandatory for every vented pt to have an OG or NGT? Can anyone steer me towards EBP
I had a patient receiving continuous tube feeding with 100 cc of tube feeding residual. I referred to our tube feeding protocol and it stated to only hold tube feeding and notify MD if tube feeding...
Hey everyone, I wanted to ask a quick question for those well versed (not that kind of versed) in all around areas, and I am little weak on NGT or other GI side. When you gastric lavage someone using...
I was taught during my orientation to surgical floor to always put NGT, especially salem sump, to continuous low suction. Some of the other nurses are now telling me that continuous is not right,...
Which is the standard in your NICU? Until recently, we pretty much always used OGTs on our babies, but lately the trend has been to use NGTs...haven't yet found anyone that can explain why we...
Sometimes a kiddo will return from surgery without a NGt in place and is ventilated. The plan usually is to extubate the kid but when would it become time to put a NGt in a kid that hasn't been...
Hello all- My unit is having a high incident of pressure ulcers (PU) these days . Part of it is related to the instability of our patient population (ECLS, VAD, open chests, etc.). Upon audits on...
You go into a patient room and find the NGT lying on the bed with the tube feeding spewing a nasty circle of smelly liquid onto the sheets. Oh oh - lets get the patient cleaned up, and then we have to...
Hello! Had a question maybe some of you guys could help me with as I prepare for my NCLEX exam thats coming up Anyways, when answering questions related to NGT, some are never specified if the tubing...
Inserted an NGT for SBO and the pt began to desat after insertion. Removed immediately and pox returned to baseline. This has never happened to me and I'm freaking out. My anxiety is on overdrive now....