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  1. NTI - How to Secure a Nasogastric Tube (NGT), Securely!

    We use the AMT Bridle system at my work on adolescents. Same concept, but different name
  2. What happened to me?

    Have you thought about psych nursing? I was a nurse in an inhouse rehabilitation for eating disorders for 2 years and I loved it! There were a few medical issues of course that went along with the disorders of course, but since I worked nights I mos...
  3. Annoyed by nursing commerical they keep running

    I honestly don't think there's a nursing shortage. I believe it's a money in the hospitals don't have enough, or so they claim, to hire more people. I know in my hospital if we could get just 1-2 more nurse per shift we'd be golden. ...
  4. Does Upper Management Even Have a Clue?

    The ones giving me flack aren't my preceptor. My preceptor rocks!! These people are just people we work with. I have found that asking other people questions seems to be the answer. I just hate feeling like I have to avoid certain people when I h...
  5. Does Upper Management Even Have a Clue?

    I realize that there is unpleasantness in lots of jobs, because this is not my first job....just my first RN job And I also know that management can't fix everything, but it'd be nice if they wouldn't turn a blind eye to it either. Some of these ...
  6. Does Upper Management Even Have a Clue?

    So when we new grads were first hired everyone was excited to see us. Of course they were...night shift was WAAAY short staffed. We have a short class time each week and then we work with a preceptor for their 3 12s each week. That's our training f...
  7. I TOTALLY do this too!! And here I was thinking that I was the only weird one
  8. Aeryn is in daycare and at home. I get off at 7am, so my husband takes her to daycare and I pick her up on my way home. I take a nap with her and then get up to get the boys from school. If I have to work back to back shifts I leave Aeryn at dayca...
  9. Almost into the nursing program... but have a tattoo sleeve

    AS long as it's coverable it shouldn't be a problem. We're required to either wear long sleeves for bigger tattoos or bandages over any that are viewable in plain sight. No biggy :)
  10. I like nights. I have a 7,5, and 18 month old. if I work days I leave before they get up and get home usually right after they go to bed....or just as they are going to bed. I do not like going a day without seeing them. Working nights lets me ha...
  11. Used Nurse: Part Deux

    OK so I've only been a nurse for 3 years but so what. I do know from that of which I speak. I am now in the position of transferring from an LPN position at an in house rehabilitation site for eating disorders into an RN position at an ER. Why not ...
  12. NCLEX 3500: Study software for NCLEX-RN

    Can I get a copy? [email protected]
  13. Daytonite has passed away...

    So sad to hear this. She was instrumental in helping so many of us nursing students survive and navigate the treacherous road of nursing school. She gave wonderful insight into the critical thinking ways that a seasoned nurse develops over time. Mo...
  14. Does Death Have A Smell?

    I actually read an article in Reader's Digest that addresses this subject. It was talking about the cat at the nursing home who always knew which patients were going to pass away. The doctor said that when cells in the body die they release ketones...