NSNA membership?



is anyone a member? have you found it useful? I would like to join, but don't want to pay $30 to just say that I have a membership.

Thanks for any of your thoughts.


Specializes in Rural Health.

It's required for our school and included in our registration fees each semester to be a member.

Have you started school yet? If so, you may want to make sure that you aren't already a member of it as a lot of schools participate in SNA on some level and you may already be a member and just not know it yet. I didn't get my card for about 12 weeks and it was 6-7 weeks before they even told us about it.

If you haven't started yet, contact your school to make sure you don't become a member when you enroll. That way you won't be out $30 twice.

Well, I find it helpful. I'm a state board member for the local student nurses' association. There are a lot of great resources on the NSNA website. I've been to two national conventions and served as campaign manager for a classmate who ran for national office. I learned a lot, both good and bad. You get the magazine and a discount at the NSNA national convention with your membership, among other things. It's really individual as to what you get out of it. I would check out the website, then talk to other people who are members. Many of my classmates see absolutely no benefit - but RN's are divided on ANA membership, too. Just depends on whether membership in your professional organization is important to you or not (please don't flame me, I'm not judging anyone, it's just fine with me if it's not of value to you! We're all different :) )


is anyone a member? have you found it useful? I would like to join, but don't want to pay $30 to just say that I have a membership.

Thanks for any of your thoughts.


Don't know of a single classmate who is a member; it's not required nor even discussed (membership in professional organizations, I mean). We get freebie magazines sent to us all the time at school, and we can sign up for free trials or subscriptions or whatever. Most don't (at my school).

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I am a member of my chapter of the SNA. We are encouraged to join from orientation to nursing 101. I just learned that the SNA will pay for me to go to our state convention just for being a member. That makes me really happy because I wanted to go but couldn't afford the $70.00. We do a lot of fundraisers for different charities. We do free blood pressure clinics, we go to the homeless shelters and help out the nurses there. I would reccomend joining if you have the opportunity to. It is a chance for experiences you may otherwise never have. Not to mention the closeness of friendship with the other members when you are doing something to help out other people. (not exactly making the sense I wanted it to make sorry... :imbar

Specializes in OB, lactation.

They encourage it at our school. I joined last year b/c one of my teachers gave extra credit for it. I may rejoin b/c ours will give you 6 mos or a year of the state nurses association free when you graduate (that's worth a couple hundred bucks).

I do think being part of your professional organization is important - it just gets expensive, especially with the 'real' ones after graduation. When I graduate, if I did ANA/my state organization, AWHONN (probably will be my unit- L&D), and the one for lactation consultants (ILCA) it would be big $$$! Not to mention, I'd like to be a midwife and that's another one! I guess you have to pick and choose if you can't do it all.

I do definitely think they lobby for our interests though and everyone that can should consider being a member even if you can't or don't want to get involved any other way.

Specializes in Float.

I honestly haven't been able to spare the $30 yet (we have been very behind on our budget since moving) but it is VERY encouraged at my school and you get extra credit for attending the meetings.

one of my teachers gave extra credit for it.

Man oh man, extra credit points for sale. Sweet! If that was the deal at my school, I would be a member.

I am a member of my chapter of the SNA. We are encouraged to join from orientation to nursing 101. I just learned that the SNA will pay for me to go to our state convention just for being a member. That makes me really happy because I wanted to go but couldn't afford the $70.00. We do a lot of fundraisers for different charities. We do free blood pressure clinics, we go to the homeless shelters and help out the nurses there. I would reccomend joining if you have the opportunity to. It is a chance for experiences you may otherwise never have. Not to mention the closeness of friendship with the other members when you are doing something to help out other people. (not exactly making the sense I wanted it to make sorry... :imbar

Ah, you just described the type of stuff we do in our college's Nursing Club (community service, fundraising, etc). And we don't have dues ;)

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