NRSE 4520 Health Assessment-Summer 2013...role call

Nursing Students Ohio University


Who is taking this with me? Let's support each other. I am currently looking to see if I can find the reading assignments before the week the class opens.

I am having the same problem Mookiesrn. I had all As up until now. I am getting marked off for the most trivial things. I lost points for spelling a word wrong that was actually spelled correctly. She took off points for my son having 28 teeth (she says normal is 32 for an adult-sorry he has 28). I lost points for not doing a narrative on last weeks assignment even though the announcement said not to and I clarified with her that we are not to do this . Then I filled out the whole template on the teaching plan even though apparently it was supposed to be only partially filled out. This is the worst class ever, the directions change mid-week, the feedback is horrible. She even grades me with exclamation points so I feel like I am being yelled at.

Jdavola...I am glad, although I don't wish it upon anyone, to know that I am not the only one going through this. I don't mind them grading us harder but nickel and dime stuff??? If so, then how about 1/2 point or something?

Wonder if they were told to mark us harder. In the past, I didnt mind doing the homework. Now, I am like paranoid, rereading stuff way too much!!!!!!

Extremely petty, and they don't hold themselves to the same standards: typos in instructions, contridictions, and changing instructions. If I wasn't so far into this program, I would look elsewhere. I feel they are just "winging it".

What is the indirect clinical? Does this mean we can do like community work, or do some reasearch work??? How did you do yours - how long did it last, did you have to have someone grade you for the clinical? Thank you - so many questions...

I liked Family, Gerontology, Public Health and thought Diversity was a breeze.

I disliked 4550 Evidenced Based Practice class and hated the book. It was disorganized and the tests did not match the material to read.

I found 4600 easy to do for some reason, including the Indirect Clinical.

What is the indirect clinical? Does this mean we can do like community work, or do some reasearch work??? How did you do yours - how long did it last, did you have to have someone grade you for the clinical? Thank you - so many questions...

I just wanted to ask everyone how they are doing in this class? I have an 85% yet so far in this class. I am finding this class one of the harder classes yet so far. I also feel as though my TA is more of a stickler for minor stuff. I only have a few more classes to do so I can finish and have gotten mostly A's and A-'s....Is anyone else having this problem/feelings about this class? Thanks

The HESI exams - yikes - I have gotten so many wrong and I read all the stuff ...I am halfway through....but I am putting it last and devoting more time to it...the questions are ambiguous at best!!!!

I am having the same problem Mookiesrn. I had all As up until now. I am getting marked off for the most trivial things. I lost points for spelling a word wrong that was actually spelled correctly. She took off points for my son having 28 teeth (she says normal is 32 for an adult-sorry he has 28). I lost points for not doing a narrative on last weeks assignment even though the announcement said not to and I clarified with her that we are not to do this . Then I filled out the whole template on the teaching plan even though apparently it was supposed to be only partially filled out. This is the worst class ever, the directions change mid-week, the feedback is horrible. She even grades me with exclamation points so I feel like I am being yelled at.

To be graded with exclamation points - wow that is so unprofessional - I can see how good it would be if it was all excellent with !!, but if not - really, no need to yell at people with exclamation points, this class is by far the hardest I have taken. By far. The HESI exams, the constant changing of instructions midweeek, for example I did the 4th week as a fill in the form, but it turns out if you read the question and answer section, we are supposed to go back and do it the narrative way... I feel overwhelmed.

I also fill in the form for the 4th week assessment. What does you question and answer section say? Nobody in my section asked any questions. I just followed the 3rd week. The rubric is also very vague and actually says to use the form. That's my understanding.

To be graded with exclamation points - wow that is so unprofessional - I can see how good it would be if it was all excellent with !!, but if not - really, no need to yell at people with exclamation points, this class is by far the hardest I have taken. By far. The HESI exams, the constant changing of instructions midweeek, for example I did the 4th week as a fill in the form, but it turns out if you read the question and answer section, we are supposed to go back and do it the narrative way... I feel overwhelmed.

Wow, I feel for you guys. It was nothing like that when I took the class. Have you emailed the TA to review you deductions and ask for clarification? If so, then I would take it to the professor.

You work hard in these classes, and it makes no sense to recieve deductions for these kinds of things. Bottom line, with these assessments, they are trusting that you are actually doing the exam, they have no way of verifying your information. But we are actively working nurses and do assessments all the time. To be questioned about how many teeth the "patient" had is insulting.

Good luck to you all.

Doncha know the new As are Bs!!!!!!!!

That's good. I recently heard the new thirty is fifty which is also good.

Only one more week to go! I am so glad this course will be over soon!

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