NP vs general masters studies

Nurses General Nursing


For a while, I've been working towards the ambition of getting my masters and becoming a Clinical Nurse Specialist. Today, I've been entertaining the idea if studying to be a Nurse Practitioner. Maybe this is a better and less frustrating thing to be because it is independent practice and you are further removed from the politics of the workplace. Well I have a lot more time to think about it. I haven't tried to apply, I'm just working on prereqs. Anyone have a perspective on this?

It depends what you want the education for...for teaching?...I became an NP as I have spent most of my nursing career doing outpost nursing...learn on the job, and although I love it, living in remote areas without nearby backup can be very stressful...I have heard of one example of an NP working in a clinic in the south that has 4 GP's, and she does the pre and post natal and new baby check=ups for them...monday to friday 9-5 job...with a masters you could teach in the bigger hospitals that have clinical nurse specialists, as well as teaching at community college/ depends on what kind of change you want, and how much time you want to put in back at school.


Hi Janice (I'm a fellow Canadian),

I'm not really interested in being an academic at this point. I don't really want to be a generalist either. My specialty is psychogeriatrics (I have my gerontological certification), and I want to continue to study this.

P.S., Where did you do your training? Where do you work? I'm a Winnipegger.

Well, I was going to post about the advantages I have being an NP (yes, CRNAs are ARNP's). Unfortunately, Canada does not have nurse anesthetists, so this really wouldn't be an option for you.

Kevin McHugh

Hello, ay...I started out at UWO, and then moved on to Ryerson in Toronto. We got to work at all the downtown hospitals...I lived in residence at Sick Kids...I graduated in 1982 and moved to Manitoulin Island....back to Cassiar,BC...Fort Simpson NWT...the Okanagan is my home right you are from Winter-peg?!!:roll.....

I have your avitar as a fridge magnet...too did you find it on the computer? janice!!!****

J. I stole it off of the BUST website. The text explains me pretty well. Nice to meet you. I think Happywendee is doing her post RN studies at Ryerson. Myself, I want to get into the U of M (did my undergrad studies there).

Specializes in Critical care.


Depends on what you want to do, what change do you want, like sourdough stated. I am Critical Care CNS with prescritpive authority in state of TX, however I do not utilize my prescriptive authority in my current role. But I have it if I ever needed later down the road. I would check out CNS programs, and see if they will provide the classes for prescritpive authority. My program consisted of the same assessment/diagnosis, patho, and pharm classes that the NPs took so the CNS track people could obtain prescriptive authority if they so desired. Good luck with your studies...

Specializes in LDRP; Education.


I toyed around with being an WHNP once, even went so far as to apply to schools. But then, the thought of seeing patients day in and day out, doing paps, etc wasn't that thrilling to me when I thought about it.

I examined what I liked about my jobs. I love obstetrics, and I love teaching. I love improving patient care. I love reading. I also thought about going the academic route, and teaching OB to nursing students, but then, being a Clin Spec I would get paid more, still get to maintain obstetrical skills and enhance patient care. So that's where I'm leaning.

I guess, you gotta figure out what you love to do. Sometimes just looking at job ads is enough to decide.

Good luck.

Adrienurse, depends on what you enjoy. I have been a CNS/headnurse, worked as a nursing instructor, research assistant and am currently a NP. I prefer being an NP because I love direct patient care and at least for me, I am somewhat removed from unit politics. I have prescriptive authority in NH, and hope to have it soon in Ab when the legislation is up and running. I would recommend doing your NP in a masters program in the US if possible(I will probably get flamed for this) but it is a bit like the diploma vs associate vs BSN thingie....IMHO

But if the US has had nearly 4 decades of NPs....why not learn from the people who are the most established and successful?


Another fellow Canadian here...... I did my MSN/Primary Care NP in the US but am now back in Canada working as an Acute Care NP in a community hospital setting. I have to tell you that there is a great need for Geriatric Psych NP's!! In Canada however you only have two choices, Primary Care NP and Acute Care. At the present time PCNP's do not require a Masters, Acute Care NP's do. My suggestion is if you want to stay in Psych, go for the ACNP program and then specialize in Geriatrics and/or Psych.

Go for it, we need you out here in the trenches!


tell us more about outpost nursing, it is what I dreamt about doing when I went back to graduate school. One day soon I will go up there....hate the big city...

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