Nova Kendall Campus Nursing Club


Congratulations to all the future Shark Nurses. I'm starting a new Nursing Club at the Kendall campus. Anyone registered at the Kendall campus is welcome to join. I am also looking for board officers. Please IM me if you are interested. Some of the activities we will have are seminars with upperclassmen, professors, and practicing nurses. We will also be doing some community service. I haven't decided on a name yet but I have two possible names:

1-C.A.R.E: Compassionate, Assertive, Respectful, and Effective nurses

2-N.U.R.S.E: Nurturing, Unification, Reinforcement, Solidarity, Education

Any feedback or ideas are appreciated and welcomed. Joining a club so soon may seem crazy but it's a great way to stay busy and to establish a strong support system.:nurse:

hey ! i think its an awesome idea i wanted to join one but most of them are in davie it will be nice to have one in kendall. i would be willing to join as an officer =] i mean i take the nursing program very seriously and i think i would be a good match for any officer position. i think we should recruit a certain amount of people online and meet so we can all brain storm ideas on how we can recruit people once we begin the program. plus since we are going to be spending so much time into the program us meeting ahead of time will create friendships:). we can maybe have a month to recruit people online and then meet. but i think it sounds great and i would definetly put in time and effort just let me know if you need help on anything =]

btw we should have like an agenda of what needs to get done in these months prior to starting so we can have an organized club lol .

let me know : [email protected] ( email me if you want ) i respond rather quickly

g0 sharks !:nurse:

Hello! I came across this from another thread and I would love to join as an officer as well!! I was accepted into the Winter Jan 2011 program at Kendall!! I'm new to this whole board thing so if you could email me at [email protected] it would be great!! Congrats to us all! :yeah:

I would love to join! I was planning on starting or joining a club once I started the program in Winter. So count me in! You can email me at: [email protected] and Ill send you any information you need.

THANKS ARU AND BOO. I'm glad that youtwo are so interested that is why I want to start this club now so the next group will have a club in place at the Kendall campus. I will certainly let you know how you can participate. Let me know if you have any other ideas so I can try to make it happen. This is not just my club this will be our club so the more feedback that I get, the better our club will be. Which name did you like? I'm a little biased because I like them both. LOL

I really like the C.A.R.E. =] but i think both ideas are great. Some Ideas are:

Intro meeting : like a meet day were we can get to know our future classmates before we start. Also a seperate meet with all the board officers and how they can contribute.

then the first month of nursing school focus on recruiting maybe posting flyers all over kendall campus and here

then having an official meet day with all our club members. That way we can all get to know each other. Also maybe discussing community work, etc. How we can grow ...

Just ideas let me know what you guys think?


hey nurse kitty the girls on the other blog want to create one huge club based on kendall and davie its on the Nova Entry Level BSN program blog; let me know what you think

theres the link; please message me so you can send me your number or email so i can text or email :)

Hey guys the davie campus would like to join as well maybe we can do one club with two chapters and the davie campus always offers plenty resources for activities. maybe we can alternated meetings between davie and Kendall. If You guys agree below is a suggestion for a club name. Remember the more student we have the stronger the club will be we can recruit from both campuses. = ) Im down to be an officer as well my email is [email protected] all we need to start it is a faculty member to serve as an advisor maybe we can get A.O and 6 current students. very exciting this blog is so so informative.


Nurse’s United Reaching Success & Excellence

I think that the Davie campus already has a nursing club. But I don't mind having two chapters in both campus. I think that will be a great idea.

karina, the name is ok but I'm not sure because the first letter uses the word that you are trying to spell. As far as A.O being the adviser I think that she will be too busy with processing applications to be a club adviser. Do you remember how much we bugged her when our applications was still pending? LOL. Thanks for all the ideas and advice guys. I will ask about what it will take to open a second chapter in the Davie campus. I don't know if it's the same process as starting a new club but I will find out.

Hi Nursekitty,

I am currently in the kendall campus and would love to join the club! Do you go to the Kendall campus now for Fall? I am there =) Maybe I know you???

Yeah but I think the advisor will just be like someone just approving events and stuff, I dont think we will take up to much of her time =x I hope not lol But yeah I think It would be great if we did pull this off because I think we have six already: karina,jennifer,nursekitty,boo ( myself ),giggles, I feel like im missing someone (sorry ) please we need one more person !!! Let me know Im off of work at 1 everyday so I have alot of free time if you guys want me to go to Davie and get things signed let me know =]

:nurse:im excited!!

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