Noticing a trend here

Nurses General Nursing


Forgive me....I'm kinda bored and when I get bored I dwell on things.

I have been noticing a trend on the boards lately, and I don't like it.

Part of what I love about this site is the fact that you can come here, post thread about what bothers you, and talk about it, get feedback, have people of a like mind get mad right along with you, etc.

And then there are "them".

We all know of which I speak.

Those high-and mighty, self-righteous, know-it-alls that have to come on to every vent thread I have ever seen and tell us that we sound mean, we have offended them, they hope they never have us as a nurse, etc. Then there are those that try to tell you what you SHOULD think , how you SHOULD feel, and what you SHOULD do.

Seems to be getting worse. The splenda packet thread comes to mind more vividly than others, those of you that have read that one will know what I mean.

And another thing I have noticed, it's mostly non-nurses, pre-nurses (that must be new, or else we don't have that where I live, because I have never heard of a pre-nurse before here), or student nurses that want to start the rumpus.

My questions are:

1) Why? Do they just thrive on causing controversy? Gotta hand it to them, though, they're persistent. They hang on and will NOT leave.

2) Can we not do something about them? When they hijack a thread, can we mute them? I know we can report them to the mods, but beyond that, can we band together and do something else?

3) This site is called allNURSES. I fail to see why non-nurses would want to be here. I'll defend their right to be here with my last breath, it's a free country, but my hubby can't stand to hear me talk about some of the things I do without getting queasy. What kind of kick could a layperson get out of this site? The things we talk about usually would make no sense to a layperson, unless they have acquantances or family in the medical field, or have spent a lot of time around the field.

Has anyone else noticed the increase in this trend, or is it just me? If so, does it bother you? Just curious. Thanks.:D

I know what you mean, Angelfire, and I completely agree.

Why would I go to a teaching forum and talk about teaching philosophy, classroom management, good ideas for classroom education, how to treat the students, etc? I'm not interested in teaching in public schools; just because I was educated in a public school and send my kids to a public school does not mean I would be right to go to a site for public school teachers and start posting my opinions left and right. If I were thinking of being a teacher, or in the school of ed, it'd be a great resource. Just because I had a bone to grind, or an idea of how to "fix" what's "broken" (of course, not actually become a teacher to do it); naw, that's inappropriate.

There may be laypeople/nonnurses here who occasionally annoy me, but mostly they give such good feedback, I really appreciate their perspective. Justapatient comes to mind. When I first started posting on here, I was like, what the heck? Why is SHE here? She's not a nurse, go to a patient forum! Why do they let people who aren't in or studying to be in the nursing field even register? But the longer I've been here, the more I have come to appreciate her perspective and now I'm always eager to read what she posts. She's respectful about how she posts, any criticism she gives is thoughtful and usually spot on. She's made me think twice about how I practice and how I interact with my patients. (I'm not trying to pick on you at all, Justapatient, and I hope it doesn't come across like that. You are just the first one who came to mind, and I think you are a great example of someone who isn't in the nursing field who is a great addition to the discussion on

Those kind of lay people, they are great. Docs, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, and people in other medical fields have also been awesome additions to this forum; they widen the perspective of the discussion, and they are a great resource, as well. Students and student/nurse-wannabees provide a welcome perspective and the opportunity to teach, guide and encourage. Nurses who have been nurses forever--again,potentially awesome resource to those of us who have not been nurses for decades and don't have the perspective and experience they do.

I don't want to ban anyone from this site based on their lack of nursing credentials. I think we would lose too much. But I would ask that those who do post here but who are not nurses are respectful to the fact that this is a site for nurses. Nurses at their best and nurses behaving badly. It's a site to discuss the myriad of issues, concerns and questions that make up the practice of nursing.

I have no doubt this site will continue to be a great resource for me; a place to vent, a place to teach and learn, a place to discuss philosophy and practice, a place to share ideas and get support. I like it here.

Argh... where did the little edit button go? I saw two mistakes in my post and I can't fix them! :coollook: I think I was typing too fast... oh well.

Specializes in Mursing.

Peace and love for all!

This site has been an in valuable use to me as a patient. It has helped me gain a deeper respect for nurses, and also helped me feel comfortable doing things like using my call bell for pain meds, untill here I used to feel bad doing that. This site has helped me SO much.

I may sometimes give an opinion from the patients point of view, but I hope that is not taken as jumping over people.

Specializes in med-surg, psych, ER, school nurse-CRNP.

I have always noted you as being nothing but respectful. Others could learn from your example.

I have always noted you as being nothing but respectful. Others could learn from your example.

I am glad.

I believe this is an example of what angelfire is talking about.

Did you even read the first post?:no:

I agree! I agree!!! And often, I feel posters like this are here ONLY to get a rise out of us... Angelfire, here is our solution: We just IGNORE them, like children they will get bored and go play some where else... Easier said than done, though, right? :bugeyes:


I guess on my posts I consider myself pre-nursing. At my college we are considered that while taking pre-reqs and before we declare our major. I do enjoy reading everyones posts and getting an insight on nursing. The good and bad. :nuke:

Specializes in Adult Med-Surg, Rehab, and Ambulatory Care.

I've been perusing allnurses since 02, before I even started nursing school. I got a lot out of the site back then, and get even more now that I'm an established RN. I may not post a whole heck of a lot (let my premium membership go a year or so ago because of this), but I do read it every day.

I do see what you see, Angelfire. I wish there was an easy 'ignore this user' button on here, because usually the people that start garbage in one thread start it in others as well and overall their posts aren't worth reading.

I generally just roll my eyes at the ignorance and move on.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
I wish there was an easy 'ignore this user' button on here,.

Here is how to place members on ignore:


No one said anything about limiting the site to only nurses or medical people. I advocated for having it open, if you will read my OP. My problem was with people bashing the posters on vent threads for venting, saying horrible things about them. Nothing was ever said about non-nurses or non-medical individuals using the site for other purposes.

I'm glad this site is open. I've seen a dental hygienist, a veterinary tech, a police officer, pharmacists, a doctor, and a patient all posting here. All have posted some very good posts. I think if a person is going to disagree in a vent thread after reading, they should be very careful to keep it respectful. I can remember last year when the "Rules for the ER" thread got pulled temporarily because of the personal attacks.

Specializes in med-surg, psych, ER, school nurse-CRNP.

Wow, I did not think I would strike such a nerve! And thank you to the poster who explained to me what pre-nursing is. Now I KNOW we don't have that where I live. I am glad to know that I am not the only one who feel this way about vent bashers.

OK, y'all, post on!

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