Not sure nursing is for me??

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I am a pre- nursing student. However, I am having major anxiety with my major. I am 35 and most others around me are fresh out of high school. I barely passed my chem class with a C while many others easily made an A. Our program only takes 50 twice a year and is a hard program to get in to. I feel intimated and defeated and I haven't even got in the program yet. I am about to take A&P this fall and need to make a decision on if nursing is for me before I enter the class. I thought about switching to respiratory therapist as I know a little bit more in the area but honestly I am worried about any health major. I feel so lost and I can't confide in anyone. I feel so lost but one this is for sure I have no passion for nursing. I have taken care of a special needs child for 16 years now, I honestly don't want to do it for a living. :(

I'm 32 and career switching and I have a little advice for you:

Don't be your own biggest obstacle, don't psych yourself out.

Sure, you got a C - some subjects are notoriously sucky, but it's ok! Hopefully you're learning what your study style is, what's effective for you etc. I seriously recommend Linda Wong's essential study skills book - older editions are totally ok (and a lot cheaper than the current one!). Even after what feels like a lifetime in school, I've learned so much from that book and I'm thankful that it was assigned to one of my classes for mandatory reading.

A&P is tricky, but you never know, you might sail through it. I've had students get tripped up on chemistry but breezed through A&P - I recently tutored a 45 year old lady who was making a career switch. She was panicky at first and I told her "Don't be your own biggest obstacle". I think she took the words to heart because she busted her ass in that class and came out with an A.

Don't wait until finals to go see the tutors at your local college if they have them - when you start feeling like you're getting stuck, see someone. Ask questions. Don't be worried if it takes you a little longer tio nail some concepts. Don't be scared of research - if you go out of your way to teach yourself stuff that you're just not getting, once that penny drops, it's going to stick.

Feel free to ask me questions if you decide to take the class!

If you said yourself you have no passion for nursing, then why do it? Granted, you do not need passion for it to be a good nurse...but it sounds like you have already made up your mind.

Specializes in Rehab, Ortho-Spine, Med-Surg, & Psych.
I feel so lost but one this is for sure I have no passion for nursing. I have taken care of a special needs child for 16 years now, I honestly don't want to do it for a living. :(

I believe you have already answered your question. So, switch to something you are passionate about.

Specializes in Neuro.

You've already answered your own question.

If you don't have passion for it, then why waste your time? Save that seat in the program for someone who is actually passionate about it.

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