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Its the weekend before finals, and I cannot make myself study.

I have 2 finals Wed(Profession Nursing and Computers) and 2 on Thursday(Skills and Advanced A&P).

Oh and I have a take home test due Monday too...which i haven't started!

Any ideas to kick my butt into gear?! lol

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Lots of coffee and mental force.. I get ruts like this a lot and find things to do around the house which is always easy to do lol. My advice-take your books, get some coffee, and go somewhere that you cannot be distracted by anything else and maybe plan to reward yourself with something after. Sometimes I do this and it helps me a lot. Motivated or not your brain will still function if you make it. I am having the same problem so instead of doing my work I'm on here so.....I need a kick in the gluteus myself to get out of summer mode!

Fear of failing? That keeps me up at night. I have a 74% cut off and I don't want to fall below that on then first exam.

I feel ya.... Im a first semester nursing student (Just finished 1st week) and Im having trouble gettng motivated. Case-In-Point: Im on here going through threads when I need to read the next 3 chapters in my fundamentals book, I need to make flash cards for the two chapters we went into the first week, And I need to read through my first ACTUAL lab which is Tuesday... I'll be good to go once I get started, I got organized last night by filling out my calender with due dates and such but I really need to get back in the swing... Anyhow try and just set a timeframe everyday where you will force yourself to study like a 3 1/2 hour block with 10 min breaks w each hour... Thats what Im gunna try startingh at noon today =) Good luck and keep us posted

Specializes in Case Manager.
Fear of failing? That keeps me up at night. I have a 74% cut off and I don't want to fall below that on then first exam.

Try having a 78% cut off lol... Everything else can wait as far a socializing and stuff as long as I get my reading and studying done.

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