Just out of curiosity, how many of you LTCFs out there stick faithfully to a resident's care plan? I posted this on the regular Geriatric/LTC nursing board, too for a nurse's perspective, but since CNAs do pretty much all the transferring work, it pretty much belongs over here!
When doing transfers, do you use gait belts without question? Is there always two to a Hoyer transfer? Are two-assists ALWAYS two, or does the one big guy handle them all by himself? I am one of those aides, I do everything to the care plan faithfully because I am not the strongest person, for the safety of the resident, and I don't want to lose my job. But so many of my coworkers are NOT the same way -- in fact, come to think of it, I don't know if anyone is like me that I know of.
One of our strongest workers, an older male, recently lifted a two-assist by himself and fractured her hip in the process. She will now be a Hoyer and has been in and out of the hospital for decline. He has been fired since for transferring another two-assist resident by himself. So our LTCF has really been cracking down on it, I'm surprised more people aren't religiously sticking to that gait belt, and other transfer rules!
What is the situation like at your facilities?