Northeastern Hybrid Direct Entry Nursing Spring 2014

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi All,

I just received news that I have been accepted into Northeastern's Direct Entry online accelerated nursing program. I am wondering if anyone else is also in the spring 2014 cohort? Just thought I would get a thread going to communicate details such as living arrangements, loans, what to expect etc.

Yeah I will. Hoping by the end of the week!! Way to go everyone that's gotten in... I'm heading to Florida for a little vacation so hopefully when I come home the committee will have made a decision :)

Eburgmeier: Keep your phone on, cuz I think they will call you to let you know a decision was made.

Brielle4: Yes, we should do that. I will wait until next week to make a decision. If I decide to stick to Northeastern, we can start a facebook group right away.

Do you guys know the cost of the Bachelor's portion of the program?

Just got my acceptance!! Question.. How long is the masters portion once you enter? My parents are hounding with questions lol. And anyone figure out tuition?

Eburgmeier: I am so happy for you! Congratulations! You live out of state, right? When are you moving?

I find different numbers for tuition and I am unsure which one is correct. I am very concerned about the price of the program. Does anyone know anything?

The Master's portion is 2 years I believe. However, you will have to work before you actually start the Master's. Depending on the specialty you pick, you will have to get 2 years of experience. I am thinking of applying to a Master's at a state university once I get my BSN. It's crazy expensive at Northeastern and I will have to get financial aid.

Yeah my biggest fear is by far the money.. So expensive. I wonder what kind of finicial aid they provide? Calling my advisor tomorrow to discuss some details

When you speak to your advisor, would you let us know what you find?

I am waiting to hear from other universities, but I don't think I will hear anything before the 31st - when I have to put down a deposit. I don't want to lose this opportunity, but at the same time I don't want to lose $400!!

I still don't know what the deal is with the specialty tracks. It is unfair that we will have to work 2 years before starting the Master's portion, while the on campus progran you only need to work 6 months...Well, that's another reason why I only want to complete the BSN there.

The BSN portion of the program is around $58k. Crazy! Umass Medical and Salem State cost less than that for the accelerated portion and the MSN combined.

It is extremely expensive, but I'm going to make it worth my while. I would have to have waited to apply to Salem State due to pre-reqs uncompleted so I didn't bother. This program is giving me the opportunity to graduate in May and keep going. I'm nervous about financial aid though. I'll have to look into private loans if the school doesnt offer anything.

I heard that you only have to work 2 full years coop if you're doing neonatal and 9 months if other tracks according to my advisor. Still longer than the campus based program, but more opportunity to work and make money to make up for some of the debt were going to be in. Haha.

We just have to make the best of all of this!

Yeah, it's a lot of money, but I also faced the same problem edarcy1991 faced. I had three pre-reqs pending when I applied to Salem State, and they didn't even consider me!! And I dont want to refuse this opportunity, and wait until next year to apply to other schools, without even knowing if I will get in. I think I will stick to what I have for sure.

Loans are a concern though. What do they have to offer?

Kerris73: how was your interview at Salem State? Did you get accepted?

Hi everyone! I was accepted into the Fall 2014 cohort for the northeastern hybrid program and have already sent in my deposit. I really wish I could find out more about this program as I was given almost no info and feel like I got more info from reading this thread. For those who are going to be attending in the fall we should make a Facebook group.. I have a lot of questions regarding loans financial aid and everything were about to get ourselves into!

Hi Everyone!

I created a Facebook group for us. The privacy setting is closed, but if you guys want me to make it open, I certainly will. Here is the link:

Hopefully this will work. Let's start talking over there!

I am still working on the group description, photo, etc. I am making this an open group for now.

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