Northeastern Hybrid Direct Entry Nursing Spring 2014

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi All,

I just received news that I have been accepted into Northeastern's Direct Entry online accelerated nursing program. I am wondering if anyone else is also in the spring 2014 cohort? Just thought I would get a thread going to communicate details such as living arrangements, loans, what to expect etc.

Anyone hear anything about orientation or anything yet?

I asked my advisor last week....

you will have Prep Day (which is prior to Orientation, but where you will meet with your cohort and go over anything and everything that you will need to start the program-it is like an orientation), this will take place Wednesday, August 6th, 2014 at 9:00am (I will confirm the time but I believe it is 9am). You will also have a Clinical Clearance Day that generally takes place the week prior to Prep Day, however I do not have that date yet. Usually, this is something that we can reschedule for you or have you call in to speak with someone about the Clinical Clearance items. The first day of classes (which will be Orientation as well) is September 3rd, 2014.

What is Clinical Clearance?

Hi everyone! I receive a email yesterday saying I got accept in for the Fall'14. I am super excited for this. Is everyone going to go to the open House on June 7th?

I have a question. So my advisor email me saying I got accepted into this Fall and she provided me with the important upcoming dates. When I email her back thanking her for her help, she says she wants to prepare me with those information but we still need to wait for the decision to be post online on the application site. Do you guys know if I got accepted or not? Did this happen to you guys?

How is everyone liking the program now? Planning on applying for the 2015 cohort.


Would you be kindly to inform me more about housing there? I plan to apply to the program, however, I live in MN and have no idea where to start regarding housing there. Thanks! !


I just got accepted and put down a deposit for Spring 2015, anyone who has graduated or is in a previous cohort have any feedback or advice? Thanks!

Hey everyone,

Did you all submit your applications before your interview? I talked to my counselor yesterday but I'm not planning to submit my application until tonight.

Also- can anyone who got admitted tell me their stats? I'm not sure what they're looking for. Thank you in advance!

I just submitted my application and now waiting to hear back from them. Any advice for housing, financial aid, etc.?

Hello! Is there anyone else in the program that can provide insight?

So what happened to this NE hybrid program?! Their website says they are no longer accepting applicants..

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