NMC Test Online

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Anybody here who took the Pearsons Vue NMC exam? How was it? TY!

Hi everyone,

UKRN hopeful here, im scheduled to take my CBT exam 2 days from now and im really2x nervous. I didnt have much review materials to use so i relied heavily on online infomaterials. Anyways, i will try to help out in giving infos and tips on this thread when im done with my CBT exams. For now.....AJA FIGHTING! Wish me luck! =D

Hi, reposting :)

Hi Guys,

For those who are scheduled to take the CBT, I highly recommend for you to religiously read the royal marsden book as almost everything that comes out in the exam is just there.

Pay special attention to the nursing processes and protocols that we're doing differently here compared to the health trusts in the UK. Also, notice that the nursing procedures with rationale can be seen in a box, rationale with "E" are critical items so make sure that whenever you encounter them in the future, they will be remembered.

Tip in answering the exam, always make the Code as your guide and prioritize patient safety.

The book contains 1k+ pages but depending on your learning curve, you may want to strategize your study time. Cramming works for me so I religiously read the whole book in less than 3 days.

Hi everyone!

I just want to ask how long do you have to wait to receive the result of the cbt?


The fastest that i know is 30 minutes on Pearson Vue's website. But for the email from the NMC it could take a day, if it's taking too long, you should give them a call.

HI everyone! Has anyone been able to access the NMC portal/account today? I couldn't open my NMC account since yesterday. I don't know if I am the only one who could not access the portal until this day. lol

Thanks! :)

Hi everyone,

UKRN hopeful here, im scheduled to take my CBT exam 2 days from now and im really2x nervous. I didnt have much review materials to use so i relied heavily on online infomaterials. Anyways, i will try to help out in giving infos and tips on this thread when im done with my CBT exams. For now.....AJA FIGHTING! Wish me luck! =D

Always apply the NMC code. and follow all the advices that was posted on this thread :) it helped me a lot in passing the CBT. :) and don't forget to always pray and have 100% faith! :)

Good luck to you and to all of the future CBT test takers! :) GOD bless! :)

HI everyone! Has anyone been able to access the NMC portal/account today? I couldn't open my NMC account since yesterday. I don't know if I am the only one who could not access the portal until this day. lol

Thanks! :)

Me too. I can't open my NMC portal :(

Me too. I can't open my NMC portal :(

Hi loidetim2! Probably, NMC's system is down again. Hope it won't affect any of our information on the portal :/

Hi guys! Just to update you, I was expecting to receive my DL this week, but sadly, I received a "further information required"--which required me to resubmit 2 barcoded forms. 1 from the form1 reference (the seal was super light so they did not consider it), and the declaration of good health (the doctor ticked the wrong box about the emoloyment detail). Hopefully I can process this tomorrow. huhuhu. My flight's tomorrow too. 😭

Cheer up! My friend had the same problem before but she received her DL 4 days after NMC received her newly requested documents :) hoping for the best!

You can view your result 5-10 minutes in your pearsonvue account but the email from NMC which you would use in order to proceed to assessment stage could take hours.

I have received my DL just this morning! Exactly 36 days of waiting, been put on the assessment queue last aug. 24. God bless and good luck to all of us :)

Hi periwinkle. I was on queue on the same date. Should've received my my DL today. But, yeah. I have this problem.

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