NMC Test Online

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Anybody here who took the Pearsons Vue NMC exam? How was it? TY!

I sent you an email. Best of luck!

hi please send me too thanks [email protected]

I ask my previous supervisor from my first work to be my first reference, then my present supervisor to be the 2nd one. But it really doesnt matter whether your references came from ur previous or present jobs... some asked two seniors from their present hospitals to be their reference... no issue on that

hi please send me too thanks [email protected]


Anyone else who got their DL lately? Something's wrong with the NMC online portal again. I hope this downtime doesn't delay release of DL's


Does anyone know what does more information required - feedback means in the my application page in the portal? I just saw this one a while ago. I'm on queue for assessment already and waiting for my DL. Should I worry about this?


I just recently noticed the same statement which is more information required-feedback. What does this mean? Should I worry about it. Haven't received any email from nmc yet. But they already acknowledged all my documents.

Woohooo! Finally my DL came through today! Was placed on queue last Aug 18th and DL arrived today Sept 27th...that's exactly 40 CALENDAR days of waiting. At this time I am hoping Barts recruitment can now apply for my CoS and assign it to me after the 11th of October.

Woohooo! Finally my DL came through today! Was placed on queue last Aug 18th and DL arrived today Sept 27th...that's exactly 40 CALENDAR days of waiting. At this time I am hoping Barts recruitment can now apply for my CoS and assign it to me after the 11th of October.

congrats!!!:) are u part of Bart's 1st cohort?

Is your nmc portal already workin fine?

congrats!!!:) are u part of Bart's 1st cohort?

Actually Im not. Im a direct hiree for Barts Heart Centre. And yes I was able to log in to my portal to download my DL but it took me a while to get through.. something's still wrong with the site.

Actually Im not. Im a direct hiree for Barts Heart Centre. And yes I was able to log in to my portal to download my DL but it took me a while to get through.. something's still wrong with the site.

Thanks! All the best in your upcoming deployment and OSCE!:)

Hi everyone,

UKRN hopeful here, im scheduled to take my CBT exam 2 days from now and im really2x nervous. I didnt have much review materials to use so i relied heavily on online infomaterials. Anyways, i will try to help out in giving infos and tips on this thread when im done with my CBT exams. For now.....AJA FIGHTING! Wish me luck! =D

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