Published Nov 25, 2017
8 Posts
Hi everyone! I'm Carolina, a 20 yr old female living in San Diego, CA, attending San Diego City College, aspiring to be a future nurse and a nurse practitioner at some point. I have some concerns that hopefully some nurses who have been or are in nursing school can help me with.
So I always wanted to be a doctor, I love medicine and helping people, I have always been the type to care for my family and others when they are sick, prepare warm food, give them over-the-counter meds, etc. And I love it.
However I do think it is a long time in school and much sacrifice to become a doctor, before I even thought of being a nurse I looked for some satisfaction in Bio and Chem, which is currently my major and I am still doing the prerequisites which are the same for nursing school, so all in all I am still on the right path and there is no need to change everything I am doing whatsoever.
But I inquired on San Diego City College School of Nursing, and turns out you apply a year before attending nursing school, and applications are only in the Fall. September to November 1st, so recent applications have just closed and are NOT accepting anymore, which wouldn't have mattered because I still need to finish my generals.
So that would mean I have about:
2 yrs of Pre-reqs
2 yrs of Nursing school
+ Transfer to SDSU to complete my BSN, by then I am a RN with an A.A., hopefully I can begin working by now
And finally, 2 yrs at SDSU to complete my BSN.
So, I am 20 yrs old, I feel like I have lost so much time since I lost a year of school due to personal family issues. I just don't want to be bothering my parents at home much longer, I feel like they'll be thinking, "When is she gonna leave?" I don't know if parents actually think this or not, but that is what is on my mind.
I'm sorry for the long rant, I just feel crushed because this is really what I want to do and my dreams are slowly disappearing in front of me. Both of my parents are caregivers, I also feel they will be disappointing I didn't pursue something else b/c they always tell me how hard taking care of patients is, and they probably wanted me to work in something where I didn't have to take care of people like they do.
Can someone please share some advice or personal stories?
5 Posts
There's a quote I read somewhere, paraphrasing here: don't worry about the time it takes to achieve a goal, the time will pass anyway. I'm 28 and in the same boat- I screwed around in school in my early 20s and now I'm back taking pre reqs, while juggling my toddler son and work and a lot more bills than I used to have.
I strongly encourage you to keep pursuing your educational goals within nursing (assuming this is definitely your ideal career path). It's not going to feel good if you make yourself settle for something more readily achievable.
And I would definitely keep an eye out for other community colleges' nursing programs, their requirements might vary a little but taking a few extra classes might enable you to be eligible for a school that accepts applications 2x a year etc.
Good luck!
Thanks so much for your reply. How do you do it? You must be super, super busy. Congratulations to you for working so hard! I'm glad you're following your dreams even with so much responsibilities. Definitely an inspiration. And here I am complaining... I guess we all have that little voice in our heads that tells us we can't do it, but the truth is we are never too old to pursue educational goals, especially in nursing, I think. I just can't wait for Nursing school, I guess I was just looking forward to get in next Fall but I will have to wait another year and finish my pre-req's. Had no idea becoming a nurse required so much studying in CC. There's 17 hours for clinical per week so that's really new to me, have no idea what to expect!
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,549 Posts
Get a job and support yourself and the follow that path. Or, sit down and talk with your parents and see what they prefer.
I do want to support myself! Is there any jobs related to nursing you can do while not yet a RN? I wouldn't count on it but I would like to work in something related to the field in the meantime while getting through nursing school.
jess.mont, ADN, RN
217 Posts
While you can do it this way, other students do a traditional four-year BSN program where the first two years are spent on liberal arts and science classes and the second two years are nursing classes and clinicals. Then you graduate in four years as an RN with a BSN.
You've already started down a path that differs slightly from this, so it's going to take longer. Having a conversation with your parents about what they expect you to contribute would be a mature thing to do. If you'd like to try to work while you're in school, you could do a CNA training course and work in a nursing home, or you could wait until you have a semester of nursing school finished and work as a PCT or whatever it's called at your local hospital.
Good luck.
I just realized I can do this ..... I'm so dumb. I only need the pre-requisites which take 2 years consisting on Science classes in CC, and then transfer to State University and do 2 more years of nursing school. Wow! I was really driving myself nuts there. Thanks so much for your comment, I probably would have been this upset all weekend if it wasn't for you.
Good! I'm glad you've figured out a plan that seems doable. Best of luck!
Thanks hun :)
thebird36, BSN, RN, EMT-B
17 Posts
I'm 23 and already have a bachelor's degree. Currently waiting for a school to let me know on acceptance or not for ABSN program. I still live at home and my parents have been pretty fine with me staying at home until I have my nursing degree whether I get it from the ABSN program or go through ADN then to RN-BSN. I know they want me out by around 26 years old and I don't want to live with my parents past then. Give it time and I'm sure they support you all the way through until you get there.
I'm currently working as an ophthalmic technician at an ophthalmology/optometry practice. Although it's really not "nursing related", it does give me tons of 1 on 1 practice time with a patient.
Misteighbloo, BSN, RN
43 Posts
Take it from me...if you are convinced this is what you want to do - then do it! Don't let time stand in your way, as the above poster said, it will pass anyway. I turn 40 in two days and am finishing up my pre-requisites (1.5 years to do those) and waiting to hear from nursing schools on my acceptance. I did all of the pre-requisites about 15 years ago, then changed my mind and went and got a master's degree. Here I am now completing them again (my previous ones were too old!), with two children and a job, but I could not be more excited, as I have regretted not doing this the first time around for the past 15 years. You can do anything you want with some patience and determination!!