Newbie trying to decide if I should go to private or community school

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing



I decided to go into the career field to become a RN and a little baffled about how to start. I'm working full time at Aflac tight now making $17.00 a hour and can not stand what I do. I have always wanted to become a nurse and after discussing it the last month with my husband he thinks we can handle me working very limited part time or no work at all.

I visited a private college Methodist that charges $65,000 to go from nothing to BSN. I have been told that is expensive for this field. My other option is something a friend recommended which is go to community college to get a associates as a RN then find a job that will pay for schooling to a BSN.

My community college wants me to get a CNA certificate( 3 months )then do pre classes (3quarters) then do a LPN TO Associates RN (2 years).I feel like this route would take longer then going straight for BSN. Also will jobs look down on it if its from a community college vs a private school?

I would go to a public university before a 4-year private university. Is there another community college program in your area? Do they have a program that is just for your ADN and doesn't make you complete two other programs first? (CNA and LPN?)

Good luck :)

The lady at the private school says to save a lot of money I can take some of the classes at the CC then transfer those credits to the private.I'm scared guys 60,000 is a huge debt lol

If the private college has a matriculation agreement with any of your local community colleges, that would be the best path. They would be able to tell you what classes are equivalent and can transfer to their school and then you would be able to transfer in as a Junior. The good part about that is you would also most likely be completing pre-reqs for most BSN programs since most share a lot of the same pre-reqs.

since you dont have any college college experience what i could advice you is start getting your prerequisites a a local community college near you, that would be more inexpensive than jumping to a profit 4 year school (60k is not that expensive if you are here in SoCal), in a CC you could finish all your pre-reqs in 2 years or so, then try applying to their ADN program(2years) or if you want transfer to a state university or college and apply for their BSN program(3 years).

i would say to stay away on those private-profit-schools if you dont want to have huge debt, but if money is not a big deal, you could go for it and it might save you at least 1 year of college.

and i dont understand why your CC is telling you to go throungh CNA-LVN-RN, cause for me that could just waste your time and money. but if you are undecided changing to a Nursing Career, this path may help you to choose if you have the heart and passion to be a nurse, otherwise if you have already decided that you want to be a Nurse, why not go straight to a Nursing program.

anyways Good luck to you and your future decision!

I have another apointment with a advisor tomorrow so I will see how long exactly it is for the process at the community college.This whole time I have not even began to think ,How the heck am I going to pay for this?

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