New Nurse Gear: What every new nurse needs?


hello all -

i'm a new grad about to start my first job on a busy med/surg unit in two weeks and i'm looking for suggestions on the different supplies i'll need to succeed. besides the obvious (steth, pen light, scissors, etc.) what else should i look into getting before i start.

pretty much what one thing do you make sure you have on you at all times?

thanks in advance.


Specializes in Respiratory, Med/Surg.

Stethoscope, scissors, clamps, penlight, pen, sharpie, watch. Everything else I get at work.

Specializes in Med-Surg Nursing.

Stethoscope, bandage scissors, hemostats, pen, penlight, a good pair of shoes, an updated copy of a nursing drug handbook(I always buy Nursing 20XX Drug Handbook and keep the most recent copy in my locker) and a basic nursing reference(Portable RN for one. I work in ICU so I have a copy of Kathy White's Fast Facts for Critical Care in my locker as well)

Specializes in Trauma, ER, ICU, CCU, PACU, GI, Cardiology, OR.

Stethoscope & trauma scissors make sure you place your initials on these two and keep your eyes on who borrows them from you. In addition, water proof watch, penlight, comfortable shoes, and most of all the Fast Facts for Critical Care that comes with the iPHONE and make sure it has the Pharmacology included and your ready for work:redbeathe

Specializes in Oncology, Acute care.
Stethoscope, scissors, clamps, penlight, pen, sharpie, watch. Everything else I get at work.

If you have these you're good to go.

Specializes in ICU, ER.
Stethoscope & trauma scissors make sure you place your initials on these two and keep your eyes on who borrows them from you...

I agree, but I say get your first name & last initial engraved on your stuff. Too many things get borrowed and not returned & it is much harder to remove a name that is engraved than it is a little name tag.

Two of those cheap walmart type watches with the second hand.

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