Published Apr 20, 2006
16 Posts
So I took my test today and scored and 80% over all......uggg......I'm so dissapointed in myself! I really should have done said I was in the 91st precentile or something like that for the school, but I'm so worried it wasn't good enough.....I need some words of inspiration!:uhoh21:
2,327 Posts
I know nothing about test scores....but I thought I just give you a warm welcome
42 Posts
514 Posts
I'm sorry you didn't do as well as you thought you should. That can be very disappointing! :uhoh21:
Hang in there darlin' and by the way....welcome! :icon_hug:
ChristineN, BSN, RN
3,465 Posts
Hey, that's really quite good. I took the TEAS a couple months ago, got a 78% and knew I could have done much better had I not been nervous. Fortunately, the school not only looked at the TEAS results but also at references, an essay, and transfer grades. They accepted me despite the lower overall TEAS score. FYI: If you school looks at individual subject areas, like math, they may be thrilled. My school saw that I had an 85% in math, and was impressed.
534 Posts
i think you did fine, what is your pre-req gpa?
214 Posts
:icon_hug: I'm sorry you did not do as well as you think you could of. When I took the TEAS it made me a nervous wreak. What I did was ask the admitions office what the lowest TEAS score was that they accepted last year. That helped me determine if I needed to take it again. I believe you can take the TEAS twice in a two year period.
Good Luck to you!
Sorry my post did not go through on the 21st, but what I had wrote was that I took the TEAS last month and not only did I do horribily but my two lowest scores were in math & science. My overall composite score was a 69%, English 92%, math 42%, science 63% and english 78% and I still got accepted to the college of my choice. They looked at me as a whole, my transcripts, essay and recommendation letters and I had got an A in my math course in college and B's in all my sciences. Your grade is great compared to mine. Don't stress over it, if you are not comfortable with that grade than try and take it again. GOOD LUCK!
The place I'm applying to only allows you to take it 1 tiime per year! They only test on math and reading! So far all my pre-rec classes are A's nd B's...I have micro left to take this summer and developmental psych this fall...nursing would start in Jan.! I'm praying I get in! I live 5 blocks from the school so it would work out great!