New Grad Pay in Nashville


Specializes in ICU.

Does anyone know what new grad pay is in the Nashville area? Specifically for Vandy and Baptist? Someone told me that starting pay for a new grad at Skyline (day shift) is something like $16/hr :eek:. I make more than that already (non-nursing), so that was a little disheartening. Granted I will be doing what I love, but I am hoping that other hospitals can do better than this!

Baptist is $18.06 and not exactly sure what Vandy is. They just raised their pay. Probably $19ish

Specializes in Clinical Risk Management.

Don't forget about how shift differentials can increase your hourly wage. I recall starting as a new nurse at Vandy. The experience was invaluable, especially after I left middle Tennessee. Benefits aren't bad either & that's always an integral part of the compensation package to review.

Specializes in ICU.
Don't forget about how shift differentials can increase your hourly wage. I recall starting as a new nurse at Vandy. The experience was invaluable, especially after I left middle Tennessee. Benefits aren't bad either & that's always an integral part of the compensation package to review.

Good point about Vandy. I am leanining more and more toward a career there (at least to start) because their orientation seems to top all others. What a great way to start as an RN.

I don't have an answer to your question about current new grad pay in Nashville...but just wanted to say that Vanderbilt is the BEST place to start your nursing career! I started as a GN there in June 1991...and base pay at that time was $11.35/hr. :eek:

I worked at Vanderbilt for 2 years before embarking on my travel nursing stints. It prepared me VERY well! I would love to work there again someday. It's the best hospital I've ever worked for (and there have been many since then!)

Good luck to you!!

Cheers, AJL

I just graduated in May. My best nursing school friend went to Vandy. They start at $19/hr or so, with night shift diff of $3 something. The weekend shift diff is supposed to be over $5, though, so if you work weekends, you can make some cash. They have good benefits, if you have a family or kids.

But, I am single, so I went where they pay more (without having to work every weekend). I chose a job at St. Thomas. I really like it there. They recently hired a TON of new nurses, so the nurse/patient ratios are pretty decent these days.

I work in a specialized area (not just med/surg), but they started at $21.22/hr, with $3.75 night shift diff, and $2 weekend shift diff. They also pay more for charge and if you offer to train orientees. Their benefits are pretty decent, but they don't offer the extras like paying for your kids college, like Vandy does. Baptist is owned by St. Thomas, so I imagine their rates are similar.

Specializes in Post Surgical, nursing home, mom & baby.

Does anyone know what the base pay at Metro General Hospital in Nashville and/or Middle Tennessee Medical Center in Murfreesboro, TN?

Specializes in Emergency Dept, ICU.

The best pay in Nashville is St Thomas, and then Baptist, hourly that

is. However St Thomas is nowhere you want to start your career at these days unless you like playing license yahtzee.

Also note middle TN medical is owned by St Thomas now too.

Specializes in neuro/neurosurgery/epilepsy m/s too.

I started working at Vandy right after school in 2006. I worked there 2 years before I started traveling. As a new RN I made 17.25 then they went up to like 18.5 for the floor, 19.5 for ICU I think. The diff for week days is 3 before 11p 3.50 after 11p-7a. Weekend diff if 6 plus whatever shift diff you may be eligible for. Weekends for nights start Friday night and end Monday 7 am. Weekends for days are sat/sun. HTH

Specializes in ICU/PACU.

Vandy gave all their nurses raises this year, so it is hard for me to say the exact rate. It's around 19 or 20 for ICUs and a dollar less on the floors.

$3 night diff and $6 weekend diff (which is amazing)

I say go with Vandy & you can work anywhere after that. Good luck.

Specializes in Emergency Dept, ICU.

I work at Vandy, St Thomas, and Centennial medical center, and by far Vandy pays the least even after thier rase.

This is mainly because all the "new nurses" want to work there because "you can work anyware after that" BS. So therefore they are only in the market for new nurses. If you want to make $$ go elsewhere.

Does anyone know what the base pay at Metro General Hospital in Nashville and/or Middle Tennessee Medical Center in Murfreesboro, TN?

I did 3 shifts at Metro general a few months back and I know that the nurses there actually had to take a pay CUT this year in order to keep their jobs. It is widely publicized that all Metro employees had to take a 3% cut in pay to keep their jobs , so that is always kinda worrisome.

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