New Grad. LPN


I just Grad. in Sept. and just got my license. I am about to get discauraged I can not find a job. It seems like there are no entry level jobs out there. Are we supposed to Grad. with 1-3yrs experance. I have been at a local hospital for two years as a phlebotomist and even they say it my be Feb or March before I can go to the floor:imbar . Is anyone else having this prob? I even had one HR tell me that they could give me a job tomarrow as a Phleb, or aid, and maybe I should think about just working as one of these until I can get my RN:angryfire . I have put in apps. in three states and so far nothing. Just wanted to vent.


Specializes in Knuckle Dragging Nurse aka MTA.

First, congrats on passing and getting the lPN. I am not sure what advice to offer as it depends on what your goals are. Are you dead set on working acute care? If this is the case it will be hard to find a job in this day and age as an lpn. have you thought about psyc or LTC?

Thanks for the reply. I hope to eventually plan to become a Neonatal NP. I plan on taking about a six month break and the starting on bridging into a RN program. I would not mind working in a office but I can not handle working in a nursing home. I grew up with a stepmom that was a DN at one and I break out in a cold sweat now if I even go into visit. Not to mention I don't have the patince to put up with old people that have no mental history but think thay can act like a 2 yr old. I also can see working in phyc because of a personal history with phyc. I can not handle being locked in. I know that a lot of hospitals are cutting back on LPN's but I did not know that it would be this hard. I decided to go this way because I wanted the extra clinical time that RN's around here don't get in school. I was in the hospital 3 days a week from day one, when the RN students I knew where in the hospital only a few weeks a semester. I wanted all the hands on traning I could get to start off with. Not to mention I am a singal mom and I could get my LPN faster that my RN and needed the income/insurance ASAP. I am trying to just leave it up to the Lord to find me the job he wants me to have. I know that this is what He wants me to do with my life and He will provide the answer. It is just hard to keep the fath sometimes.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Hospital positions for LPNs/LVNs are slowly being phased out; however, there are plenty of opportunities in LTC (nursing homes, rehab, and sub-acute). You are probably applying at hospitals only, which is the reason why you may be having some issues with landing a job.

HI! Congrads on passing first all! I did not see what state you were in, sorry if I missed it if you did! I am a single mom in Fla and just recently passed my boards in Sept. and I was haveing a very hard time getting a job myself here! I knew I did not want to work in an LTC either and it bothered me to do my clinicals in there. It seemed like forever until I got a job but I finally did after a month I think it was. It truely felt like a year being the only bread winner in the family and haveing to depend on my family for help. What I want to say to you is hang in there! Keep your head up and don't take NO for an answer! Keep your dream in front of you even when it feels like you will never reach it! Just don't lay down and take no for an answer, find another way to get them to say yes, it may take some time but you will get there! Good Luck! Let me know how it works out!

Specializes in Knuckle Dragging Nurse aka MTA.

I work in a nursing home now as a CNA and I don't think I would be able to work there as an LVN with 30-40 patients.

Specializes in Ophthalmology, Dermatology.

I would first like to congratulate you on getting your LPN!!! I also have my LPN. After graduation I took a job in a LTC facility. I lasted only 9 months.

Went back to school to get an AA in business, because I then thought that nursing was not for me. After finishing school for the second time an opening came about in a clinic for an ophthalmologist. I have worked for him for almost 14 years. He is now close to retirement and I have now decided to go back to get my RN. I begin in January. LPN positions are to few and in between here in the Midwest. Good Luck to you!!!:)

Specializes in Peds stepdown ICU.
I just Grad. in Sept. and just got my license. I am about to get discauraged I can not find a job. It seems like there are no entry level jobs out there. Are we supposed to Grad. with 1-3yrs experance. I have been at a local hospital for two years as a phlebotomist and even they say it my be Feb or March before I can go to the floor:imbar . Is anyone else having this prob? I even had one HR tell me that they could give me a job tomarrow as a Phleb, or aid, and maybe I should think about just working as one of these until I can get my RN:angryfire . I have put in apps. in three states and so far nothing. Just wanted to vent.


Have you ever considered homecare? I did that and learned so much! I see where others on the board have interesting jobs as LPNs outside of LTC and homecare. Marie who posts frequently works in the OR. SOme speciality clinics hire LPN's. Here in our paper an outreach AIDS clinic was hiring LPN's. I think there are options out there but you must actively seek them. Some suggestions of places to look might be: homecare, OR, speciality clinics, governemnt agencies (wic), prisons, schools, adult day centers, and some hospitals do still hire LPN's. Check around your area and you may be surprised. Not all companies use the paper to advertise so check the web sites of places that interest you. Congrats on your accomplishement because you are a nurse...and it wasn't easy getting there either!


Specializes in Ultrasound guided peripheral IV's..

Hey Angel,

Congrats on getting your LPN, but don't get discourged yet! There are LPN jobs out there in hospitals, ya just have to keep looking for them. I didn't see this, but what state are you in? I am in Kansas, and there are openings in my area.

Let me know where you are, and I will see if I can help.


Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

You could obtain your public health certification and obtain a job as a public health nurse in a county-owned clinic. You would be giving immunizations, collecting specimins for routine tests, and doing typical stuff that is done in a clinic.

I didn't have a problem getting a home care job right out of school, of course, I already worked for the home care agency as a PCA, but as I recall they were ALWAYS on the lookout for LPNs. Currently I'm working at a urology clinic, and I interviewed through a personel service to get the job, but it's the same story with this job. They are DYING to find more LPNs. I think we have about three positions open right now.

Hi Nursingangel, I too just recieved my liscense 6 months ago, and am still having a hard time finding a job. I live in CT, the closest I've come to is a per-diem position in a group home. I know exactly how you feel, I'm getting frustrated also! Wish you the best of luck!

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