New Grad in ICU


Hello all,

I am currently a new grad from a BSN program in Cali. I want to work in a MICU or SICU and am having trouble finding a job. I graduated with a 3.8 GPA, did an internship during a school break in a MICU, and worked as a CNA during nursing school. I so badly want to score a job in an ICU. I am even willing to move out of the state.

My question it less competitive in other states to find a job in the ICU? Does anyone take their chances on a new grad these days? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Specializes in ER/ICU/STICU.

They still do. I think the biggest thing is that jobs are tight in many parts of the country. There are numerous threads on this site about new grads not being able to find a job anywhere, let alone an ICU. I think your best bet is to look at large teaching hospitals, especially ones that have some type of new grad residency program. Also check out different Magnet hospitals. My hospital recently hired about 20 new grads for the multiple ICUs we have.

I just graduated in December and didn't think I was going to find a job but I actually got one in the hospital that I wanted to work at! You're in Cali... I'm in Georgia, so how far away do you want to move? Can you make it in the "woods"? The hospital that I just got an ICU job at is expanding their ICU and PCU and I'm sure they would love to have more BSNs, especially some with experience (I have no intern or CNA experience). I think the key is to find a hospital that does not have a large nursing school around it (which is probably a challenge in California). I actually have to commute an hour and 15 mins to get to my hospital. There are hospitals closer to me but when the graduating class started looking for jobs, the market became flooded which I believe is the problem nationally. Good luck and don't give up. :nurse:

I'm not a nurse yet but I did live in CA and worked as MA there. I had a very hard time finding a job and only got mine because I knew someone on the inside. I worked for a hospital that would only hire those with experience. Then about 6 months after I quit, my position was laid off. My husband is a paramedic, with over 14 years experience, and he also had a hard time maintaining decent employment in CA.

We moved here to NC and BAM! He had a job with our hospital before leaving CA and I had a job in a doctor's office within a few months of living here. A friend of mine, fresh out of school, was hired with contract as a PA. The hospital is hiring all the time. There is no sign of recession or high unemployment rate here. I don't think it became inflated enough to crash. But my point is there are other places out there that have more opportunity. If you are willing to relocate definitely look into it.

The medical field is booming here in NC...hint hint.

Thanks all for the replies. I am trying to keep my head up but the job market in CA is discouraging. I do have family in Florida and Georgia and that is why I am considering to move. I really love critical care nursing and will do what it takes to land my job in the ICU.

Specializes in Rehabilitation, MICU.

I graduated last August and it took me 3 months to find a job. I finally had to accept a position on a floor and then when I could transfer into the unit I did and it was much easier to do it that way. I was very discouraged when I had to do this but I got a lot of good experience at a slower pace while I waited the 6 months to transfer. I know you want to go straight into the unit but maybe this is an option???

Specializes in cardiology/oncology/MICU.

It took me a year and a half to finally get into MICU. Work hard and prove to be a good nurse handling your patients on the floor nad get involved in critical care stuff like ACLS ahead of time. I did not have CCU experience, but I did have ACLS/telemetry. This helped very much. Good Luck

I am graduating in may of this year. I am a tech in the MICU at one of our community hospitals. We had 7 techs graduating and a few positions opening. They did group interviews the other day to weed us out. However, hopefully I will have a job offer in the unit soon. I will keep you guys posted. My advice is to be a tech during school. So far its at least gotten me a good interview probably a job.

Also a side note. A lot of the nurses that work with me did cardiac stepdown for a while and then transfered. If you take a flood job go for cardiac as it seems to help a lot at least in my neck of the woods

Specializes in CCRN, House Sup, CCT, Unit Director, ICU.

@sunstillshines, where in CA do you live?

Got a job offer in the CCU, most other techs got Unit jobs also.


I'm in socal - Orange County area. I'd be happy with anything from SD to LA. Also looking into residencies.

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