New grad Filipino nurse wanting to work in Australia/New Zealand

World Immigration

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Hi everyone, please help me.

I graduated last march 2007 here in the Philippines and I have my license here already.

Because of oversupply of nurses here, it's too difficult to find a job.

That's why I'm looking forward to working in Australia or New Zealand.

However, I'm confused. Esp about Australia.

I already have my bachelors degree here.

When I go there in Aus to work as RN, must I take a diploma in nursing first? can I work while studying?

After obtaining my diploma there, am I already a registered nurse?

Thank you!

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medical.

The challenge test can only be taken once, meaning if you fail the exam you will not be given another chance or a retake. If you fail, they will require you to undergo the Education modules. If you still fail the modules, you will not be eligible for registration.

so if you still fail the modules... will you still be eligible if you enroll in the pre registered nursing degree?

aelith. i already added u in my ym... thanks!

Yes you will be eligible upon completion of any recognised pre-registered Nursing degrees.

I've accepted you too :)

Hi Aelith, I would just like to ask. When are you planning to enrol at the university?:)

@ pastasana: depends lol.. If someone will be studying too, I might join them. I have two options though. One Uni has a july entry, so I could apply for that for July 2009. The rest would be on Feb 2010. Almost all of the Unis only have Feb entry. I can't apply for Feb 2009 as it is a bit too late. I'm not sure if the student visa will be done by that time. Plus, I haven't taken my IELTS yet lol.

Anyway, Feb 2010 is really my target. But I could go for the July 2009 if there's someone else going for the university degree.

to aelith:

What is a pre-registered nursing degree? It is the same as enrolled nurse?

Hello LinkRN,

No. Pre-registered Nursing degree simply means that the degree is recognised by the relevant state regulating authority and that graduates of that degree will be eligible for registration in that state. If you are a graduate of the said recognised degrees, your application for registration will be expedited as the State regulating authority doesn't need to review again if your degree has satisfied competency standards for nursing practice.

To become an enrolled nurse, you need to finish a Pre-enrolled Nursing program. It is a diploma level only not a degree.

shish and hotpotato101,

hi:p just want to ask what school/review center are you referring to that offers review for the challenge exam? if there's someone here who had taken the part a, can you please share your experience and where the exam took place..thanks :redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe

hi thinkerbel! will give you details of the center once i am allowed to send via pm

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medical.

Hi. May I ask how long is the bridging program????

@ xysy25

Sis, the bridging program depends on the state and the institution offering the program. It can be as short as 6 -8 weeks to as long as 6 months. So, it will all depend on which state you are going to apply for registration.

i already lodged my application in QNC.

i' m gonna do it on my own.

for those who did the same thing, pls. pm me

and probably exchange ideas.

we need each other's support ryt now.


Hello..1 post left and you will be allowed to send PM yehey:yeah:, kindly include your e-mail add.. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks :heartbeat

i already lodged my application in QNC.

i' m gonna do it on my own.

for those who did the same thing, pls. pm me

and probably exchange ideas.

we need each other's support ryt now.

when did you file your application? Are U rn in Phil?

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