New grad Filipino nurse wanting to work in Australia/New Zealand

World Immigration

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Hi everyone, please help me.

I graduated last march 2007 here in the Philippines and I have my license here already.

Because of oversupply of nurses here, it's too difficult to find a job.

That's why I'm looking forward to working in Australia or New Zealand.

However, I'm confused. Esp about Australia.

I already have my bachelors degree here.

When I go there in Aus to work as RN, must I take a diploma in nursing first? can I work while studying?

After obtaining my diploma there, am I already a registered nurse?

Thank you!

personally, i think the difference of nursing in the phils and in australia is not that much. the only difference is how the way nurses interact with other health professionals, nurses here are in charge of everything..also the medical terms are different as well as some spellings and not to mention the drugs names and the machines/equipments they are using...

e.g in the phils. when you interact with doctors, you will call them doctor followed by their first or family name, here usually you will just call them by their name, of course its your own decision if you will address them with their title...

nurses here care a lot for their patients and they communicate enormously to their patients.

i think @chabeli, can add something...however, when you will be doing your clinicals you will be taught on how to nurse in australia, so dont worry too much...

correction: drug names not drugs names..:D (my typing is bad recently, pardon me)...ty

PS: patients here in australia are educated.they are knowledgeable about their condition (well most of them)...they expect you to know everything however if you are unsure about your answers to their questions you can always say youre not sure and you will look for the answers on their behalf..sometimes they will ask you what the drugs are for(which is really normal) and they know about the drugs they are taking if they saw new drugs administered to them, the more they ask questions which means the more knowledge you have to have before giving it..the patients and patients' family just really know whats happening, but there are some also who just dont care hehe...

Ryan how is the relationship of rn with en, pca and doctors? Also,how common is delegation and telephone orders? Is charting computerized? Are rn's trained to insert and administer iv?

keep the insights coming @ryan09! they are indeed helpful! thanks! btw, d'ya have a job already? (oooh,,, wait, think i read somewhere, ur stil checkin out the job market, right?)

@drednag: the lady from etea said i can send my docs via email and just send the bank draft via courier. :) My case manager hasn't responded yet but I hope she grants my request. :p

Specializes in ER,med surg, nursing home.
Finally, got the much-coveted letter a couple of days ago, bro (about a week after I got my NMBWA letter)! :D I emailed ETEA inquiring how to go about paying the assessment fee by wire transfer but I am yet to get a reply. I need to get their bank details. Bro, do you mind sending me a PM about this? And also kindly include there the steps how you paid for the tuition cost. TIA! ;)

For the meantime, I am in the process of gathering the documents for certification of my lawyer including the NBV letter to be forwarded to the education facility; about to start processing my immunization; and others.

Will wait for your PM, bro! Thanks a heap! :up: :cool:

congratulations !!!

Specializes in ER,med surg, nursing home.
Hey, reiken and Newmac, congratulations, bros!!! let's go to ETEA and be classmates for the September intake.

About the payment..for the assessment fee, I asked my sister-in-law to pay it for me since she is in she sent a check payable to ETEA for the AUD150... now, Im about to pay the Acceptance Deposit (Half of the tuition fee)..I need to do it by bank to bank transfer..Im still waiting for the account details because my bank here in the Philippines is strict..they need complete details before they send my money...once I get the details, I will PM it to you guys.

Newmac, yeah, it would be good if your case manager can send you a scanned copy..just make sure to have it certified by a notary public before you send it to ETEA, bro...

Dont worry..I think there are still several slots for the September 2010 intake..last I heard, there are even a few slots open for July and August... what's important is that you are able to send complete documents...

Woohooo...the kings of kewl are now on their way to Oz:clpty::beer::w00t:

I hope you are right on ETEA's intake ....this keeps my hope up :)

Hi, indonurse_uci. Don't lose hope. It took me 5 months (counting from the date I sent my application to NBV last December 2009) to finally receive my eligibility letter. What you need to do is to ensure to follow all required documents the Board has outlined for overseas applicants to send and to carefully, and I mean, thoroughly follow their instructions in their checklist or format like in the case of properly certifying copies of your original documentation, work statement format, nursing qualification format (also known as transcripts of records) including the theoretical and clinical breakdown of hours, RLE (Related Learning Experience) and the like to minimize delay, if not to hasten the process. With regards to your employment certificate, I hope the Board would consider the affidavit that you've sent to support it. Otherwise, it's still best to strictly follow what the Board wants to appear on your certificate. They are detail-oriented when it comes to this.

It would not hurt also to try to telephone your case officer. I'm sure that he/she may have provided you with his/her direct contact number or email for you to be able to clarify the things that the register wants you to furnish. This will also help you to confirm if they have already received the additional papers that you sent to them and at the same time will aid to give you an idea about the progress of your application.

Applying to NMBWA is another option while waiting for the result of your NBV assessment. I did this too, and got the eligibility letter from them about a week earlier prior to receiving my NBV letter. It's true that NMBWA process applications faster compared to the other boards in other states. So, I now have two eligibility letters at hand and at an advantage, this time, to choose which registration pathway to take. But be aware that this would cost you an additional AUD$220 for application fee. And, I must admit a waste of money on my part since I'll only use one eligibility letter to get into a bridging program.

Indeed, the NBV may be stringent with how they accept and process overseas applications so we are left with no choice but to comply with it... but once you get favorable results, the conquest all the more becomes sweeter... which then would inspire you to move forward to the next step to finally realize your dream. Hope this helps. :cool:

:) Thank's a bunch Reiken830, It was really helpful.... Anyway, congratz for your recommendation letter :) hopefully i can catch up sooner than soon, hehehhe.. So, in which univ are you going to take your BP? are you gonna take it in WA or Vic?.

Ya, i think i'm going to apply for NMBWA soon, i mean it's worth trying, to fasten my way and that's the only way i can think of now. Reiken, do you have any idea for overseas nurses who don't have hospital working experience, do NMBWA accept them?, i mean do they only want an experienced overseas nurse?. I'm afraid that if the same case of my NBV application happens again for my application in NMBWA which is related to my official working statement, so i was thinking to just consider myself as no-working experience to NMBWA. Please help me filling my knowledge about application process in NMBWA... So, if you have any information related to this, i would kindly ask your help, please share it with me :)

Nice to know you, my name is Uci anyway, from Indonesia

Really looking forward to read your reply and hear your good news soon


God bless you

As far as i know, working statement is a case to case issue, i mean as long as you can support with working statement and that letter should include all these details:

- Be dated;

- Be on company letterhead;

- Confirm the registration category in which you were employed

- Confirm the dates of last employment

- Be signed by a Nurse Manager, Human Resource Manager or a more senior

Hope it can help

After the BP, do you get to work as an RN? or do we have to go through the steps such as becoming a CNAs, LVNs first before becoming an RN? What are the job responsibilities of a Nurse - Division 1?

As far as i know, working statement is a case to case issue, i mean as long as you can support with working statement and that letter should include all these details:

- Be dated;

- Be on company letterhead;

- Confirm the registration category in which you were employed

- Confirm the dates of last employment

- Be signed by a Nurse Manager, Human Resource Manager or a more senior

Hope it can help

Specializes in Aged Care.
After the BP, do you get to work as an RN? or do we have to go through the steps such as becoming a CNAs, LVNs first before becoming an RN? What are the job responsibilities of a Nurse - Division 1?

After the BP you will be registered as RN so you will work as RN. There are no CNAs or LVNs in Australia, instead it has ENs which is similar but not necessarily equivalent to LPN/LVN. The practise of RNs and ENs are currently regulated by each state's board of nursing. In July there will be only one national regulatory board, the NMBA. Under the new board, there will only be three practise categories: RN, EN, and RM. The nursing board of Victoria, currently has more than three practise categories, i.e. Nurse Div1, Nurse Div2, Nurse Div3 etc.. Div1 is Registered Nurse and Div2 is Enrolled Nurse. PCAs, AINs, PCWs, are not regulated by the board, however to gain employment as one you would need specific certificates from TAFE or similar institutions. Depending on the facility, an RN from overseas who has not yet gained registration as nurse in Australia, may be employed as PCA or AIN or PCW provided that the person already has a valid visa that allows him or her to work . If you are already an RN in Australia, you don't have to work as PCA or AIN, and i can't think of any good reason why you would. Now that you know what a Nurse Div 1 is, i believe there's no point in telling what the job responsibilities are. Good luck on your upcoming BP! Cheers.:)

Specializes in medical-surgical.

received my letter of eligibility from NMBWA today. the board sent it a month ago..

I also got my NBV letter stating other requirements and amendments on my application form. NBV sent it last May 5 and only received it today. i hate snail mail..

very well said reiken, and congratulations to you! I am yet to receive mine, though, I have received a courtesy email from my case manager (quiet surprising). Hey, I'm also interested with ETEA. My mom will be sending my docs tomorrow. Payment will be done through bank draft. I told them I will forward the assessment as soon as I receive it which may take another 2-3 weeks. I hope my case manager can grant my request for a scanned copy of the letter before they send it via post. :)

Thanks NewMac, drednag and jakey! It sure would be nice if we'd all get into the same class in ETEA's September intake. Jakey, bro... 'hope your NBV letter comes next. Goodluck to all of us! *wine:cheers:

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