Updated: Apr 8, 2022 Published Nov 5, 2006
CrazyPremed, MSN, RN, NP
332 Posts
Hey folks,
There are a ton of various threads here for the new grad in the ER. I'm going to try to put them all in one link and make see if this can become a sticky. Let's see where my talents take me.
Rantings of an ER Nurse
Advice for new ER nurse
Need advice: should I start out in ER or tele/med-surg?
Questions from a Struggling ER New Grad
Tips for becoming an ER nurse
ER newbie here, please give me some tips to meet my co-workers expectation
Tips For New Grad ER Jobs
Nursing student tips for ER (Helpful thread for new grads/externs in the ER)
Should a new grad try ED or not?
Views on New Grads Entering the ER.
2 weeks before ED
"New grad-itis"...
First full day in the ED...
New Grad thinking to start career in the ER
Pregnant new grad in the ED?
Learning thread (ER medicine)
562 Posts
Don't forget this one:
ER 101 - Routes/Meds/Terms
99 Posts
I want to go into ER as a new grad, thanks for all the info...
11 Posts
i have amazing days and terrible days but i am LOVING being a new grad in the ER... i love it more than any of my clinical placements, and i am glad i followed my heart.
these links were all amazing and helped me to be more confident about my choice, as well as helped me survive my first month getting to know everyone on the floor...
my tips:
1) everyone says it but: ASK AS MANY QUESTIONS AS YOU HAVE. yes, you will be annoying, but most nurses will not hate you for it. they expect you to be annoying. even if it's something stupid and you realize you know the answer, you can just say "oh yeah, duh... thanks for reminding me!"... but it has made me learn SO MUCH.
2) be HUMBLE. no one wants a know-it-all on the floor... i have deep respect for all the nuses on my floor, and i realize that their years of experience are more important than any amount of school education ever... i think the nurses i work with realize how much a cherish what they teach me, from little tips to important concepts.
3) don't be fake... especially in the ER, nurses can smell BS from a mile away HA HA HA.
4) do things ONE AT A TIME... as you grow & learn you can cut corners, but make sure you focus on one order/one step at a time or you will get confused... trust me! even experienced nurses need to "take it down a notch" and just focus on one at a time sometimes. MOST people really can wait.
5) don't worry about not having that 'sense' to know when patients are crashing or are really sick. i did not think i could tell at all... but you will know it when you see it! and don't be afaid to have another nurse to peek at your pt if they look 'funny' or 'off'.
6) YOU WILL BE SLOWER THAN EVERYONE ELSE. but still try not to panic and rush.... that's how you make mistakes. you will become faster. it's frustrating... VERY frustrating sometimes (trying to get bloods and do an IV while your other patients need things, you feel like you will never catch up). but it will come.
7) don't be afraid of the docs. get used to talking to them sooner than later. they're just people! we are actually lucky in the ER, we don't have to worry about paging the docs, they are right there to just casually ask things. some will be nice, some won't... it's life. but it's for your patient, so it is your job. blushing won't kill you, ha ha.
8) take time to WASH YOUR HANDS, often. it's easy to skip this when you're so busy, and many nurses don't do it as often in the ER as other floors, but TRUST ME, get in the habit. my preceptor taught me to never touch a patient for ANYTHING without gloves on... except maybe taking tape or bandages off, that gets tricky.
9) try to meet everyone! from the unit clerk, to bedbooking, to the porters, EVERYONE is sooo important to know and communicate on the floor... even just learning where stuff is, non-nurse staff is able to help in a pinch, and it is nice to know their names!
10) you can do it if i can. no one feels like more of a spazzy nevous nuse than me, but i WANT to be good at it, and i feel like i AM going to be! i love to go home and look up stuff... the learning curve has been HUGE! but i feel lucky... i can't wait to be as smart as the other nurses on my floor.... even after a YEAR i can't imagine how much smarter i'll be... i feel like i have seen a little bit of everything!
3 Posts
Good advice I had questions about being a new grad in the ED but you pretty much answered them all in your testimonial.
214 Posts
As a new-to-the-ER nurse (previously exp'd in med/surg/peds, behavioral health, and corrections -- woohoo!), I'd like to share some links that I felt were very valuable, some are old bookmarks from nursing school and some are ones I've run across when wanting to review something or look something up to brush up on lab values, etc.
ECG / EKG learning center -- 12-step process, VERY thorough explanation of ECGs!
Another ICU help-site but some great topics I.e. Labs, pacemakers, arrhythmias and EKGs, IVs, NG's, chest tubes, etc. LOTS of topics, all in word files for easy reading.
Easy way to interpret Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs)! Also check out the home site, http://rnceus.com, for a lot of topics that they provide CEUs for -- the info is free (I believe) to view, the only way you have to pay is if you want to take the test to get the CEUs. Several useful subjects are covered.
Hope someone finds at least one of those helpful besides me!
14 Posts
Thank you so very much for putting this thread together and all the subsequent posts! I will start in the ER in a week and am so nervous... yet excited too! The info in this thread is priceless. Thanks!
55 Posts
Thank you guys so much for your input. I am to the ED, but I am not a new nurse. I am a pediatric emergency room nurse (basically a newbie). I have been practicing pediatric nursing for 9+ years, and I just feel so lost at times. I would ask myself, am I going to retain all of this?? So I thank all of you for your advice and I welcome all advice as well.
53 Posts
Thank you for all this valuable information :)
Mis V
12 Posts
Thank you for all of this information it has been extremely helpful!
45 Posts
Thanks for these links...
I'm starting tomorrow in a non-trauma certified ER that "doesnt normally hire new grads". They are giving me a longer orientation so I'm giving it a shot. I LOVE the emergency department and will have to be fired before I give up! I'm fully prepared as a new grad and am hoping my unit matches their support with my effort.
I'll update later on my status. Thanks for these links!!
herowneulogy, BSN, RN
141 Posts
Just like the above poster, I, too, will be starting out in the ER (Level 1 Trauma ED) as a new grad. My orientation begins next week and I am SO EXCITED. Trying to read, read, and read each day to prepare myself. Thanks for the helpful links/resources!