New Grad can't determine best route


I recently graduated nursing school and passed the NCLEX a few weeks ago. Since the beginning of returning to school I have wanted to work in Pediatrics. When I first started there were numerous facilities that had pediatric units that did not require a BSN in the area that I live. Since that time Children's Hospital of Colorado has opened here in Colorado springs and all the other facilities have closed their pediatric units. Children's has a New Nurse Resident program but you must have your BSN which I will not have until this coming Dec. and you can not have any previous RN experience. I would like some advice on whether or not I should consider taking a Pediatric Home Health position as a private duty nurse while I finish my bachelors and apply as an experienced nurse or if I should complete my bachelors and then apply for the new grad program. Any advice is appreciated, cause I feel completely lost and honestly a bit frustrated. Thanks

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Have you considered looking outside of your immediate area?

It can be difficult (but not impossible) to get an acute care position after working outside of acute care. The future of nursing care is going to be in a population health setting with fewer positions in acute care.

Some experience is better than none. I would take work where you can find it. Consider also trying for adult positions.

Nurse SMS the hard part with location is that I already live an hour from any sort of healthcare facility. That was sort of my thought too, that some experience would be better than none. Thanks I have tried to talk to my husband about it and he just says to do what I want. What I want is to make the most out of this next year and actually be taking a step closer to my goal rather than just standing still.

Specializes in Ambulatory Case Management, Clinic, Psychiatry.

I would take what you can get. You might not get the residency position if you wait. Any experience Is helpful and you are getting paid

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.
On 2/5/2020 at 9:54 AM, Mcjohns09 said:

Nurse SMS the hard part with location is that I already live an hour from any sort of healthcare facility. That was sort of my thought too, that some experience would be better than none. Thanks I have tried to talk to my husband about it and he just says to do what I want. What I want is to make the most out of this next year and actually be taking a step closer to my goal rather than just standing still.

Then it definitely sounds like you need to move.

You might want to confirm with them directly if they consider a non-full time job as experience because I've seen postings that consider non-full time experience as not having experience. Might not be the case here though.

So, I decided to take the home health position. I’m working full time and hoping that in a year my experience and having my BSN will land me a job with Children’s. I didn’t feel that sitting out the next year and just doing school would be as beneficial. So far I’m loving my job now and I guess that’s all I can ask for at this point!

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