New format for NCLEX

Nursing Students NCLEX


My teacher just told me that they will start including verbal scenerio questions on the NCLEX in the future. Such as a recording will explain a clinical situation and you will be asked to recount information and make an assessment. The reasoning is to see if you can remember verbal facts spoken to you by patients, peers ect after hearing once and make an assessment. Also that a scene may be shown to you in a clinical setting and you will be asked questions about your observations and memory of the scene flashed before you for a small amount of time.

Has anyone else heard anymore on this, and when exactly it will be instituted? It is unnerving me abit.


Specializes in Wound Care, LTC, Sub-Acute, Vents.
my teacher just told me that they will start including verbal scenerio questions on the nclex in the future. such as a recording will explain a clinical situation and you will be asked to recount information and make an assessment. the reasoning is to see if you can remember verbal facts spoken to you by patients, peers ect after hearing once and make an assessment. also that a scene may be shown to you in a clinical setting and you will be asked questions about your observations and memory of the scene flashed before you for a small amount of time.

has anyone else heard anymore on this, and when exactly it will be instituted? it is unnerving me abit.


when are you taking your nclex? i bought the latest lippincott's alternate format questions for the nclex-rn book that is updated for the april 2010 change and it had all the practice questions i needed. i'm sure they will update these review books with changes you mentioned.

i believe they just updated the nclex-rn in april 2010, so it will be updated again in 3 years, so in april 2013? not totally sure though. if this is for the nclex-pn, i believe it will be updated next april 2011.


check out this website for the test plan: current nclex test plans

my advice if you are still in school is just focus in school and finish. worry about the nclex later. your school will prepare you for the nclex anyway.

good luck,

angel, rn

I would not worry about it. Hopefully you will take the test before this comes about, if it does.

I would not worry about it. Hopefully you will take the test before this comes about, if it does.

agree.... :up::up::up:

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