Published Sep 28, 2005
1 Post
Hiyas all! I was just poking my head in to introduce myself. I am a 23 year old Navy Corpsman, been a Navy Corpsman for a little over 2 years now. I am the Patient Contact Rep and Supervisior for the Physical Exams Department at my Naval Clinic. I started out by joining the Fire Dept at 16 and shortly after turned 18 where I enrolled in the Maine State Fire Academy for Firefighting 1 and 2, also lots of other certs after that. I joined the Ambulance service after those classes and went to EMT-B school. Joined the Navy at 21 and here I am today. I am debating where to go to school for Nursing. My girlfriend is a 2nd year Nursing student in Pennsylvania and my younger sister is a 3rd year Nursing student in Maine. I would love to make a career in the military and go to Med-School, unfortunetly I have hit a few places that has turned me away from making a Naval Career out of it. I have been looking into Excelsior and their AS and AAS distant learning degrees. Could anybody give me some intel on that particular school and if they work with HM's like myself. Also I am not sure what the differance between a Bacheloers and an Associates is. I know one is a 2 year and one is a 4 year, but work wise, dunno. Thinking about doing the AS(n) part-time and getting my RN before I get out of the Navy, then work full time, and go for my BS(n) part-time. Anybody have any suggestions on school or differant degree programs, and also differant Nursing categories such as: trauma nursing, flight nursing, cardiac nursing, and forensic nursing, etc... For programs like that is there extra classes you should take while in school or is that something you can get a cert. in after you get your RN. Anyways any help would be greatly appreciated!!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
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:balloons: Hello and Welcome to
I know there have been issues regarding EC. Many states are not accepting the grads. You will need to check with your state BON.
There are many great programs online, too.
As for the difference in ASN/BSN and work opportunities, none. Most all hospitals do not care between the two. Many RNs are getting their BSN to work up into management positions, but, again, that is different throughout the U.S. and all the hospitals/facilities.
As for the speciality areas you mentioned, you can work in those areas and receive certification, or go on to schools for these specialities. NP programs have many of these specialities in the track.
Good luck and great to have you.
Navy HM, I am currently in the navy and a Hospital Corpsman as well. In order for you to be a nurse in the navy, you must have a BSN from an accredited school. I am going to nursing school right now through the Seaman to Admiral - 21 program, which pays for your school and you get your regular pay and allowances. My suggestion is if you want to stay in the Navy is it either apply for STA-21 or to MECP and get the navy to pay for your degree. An ASN will do you no good if you want to be a nurse in the Navy.
4,007 Posts
welcome to! good luck, and calm seas.
txspadequeenRN, BSN, RN
4,373 Posts
welcome to allnurse's....
good luck with your goals!!!!
128 Posts
:yeahthat: There's nothing like having the military foot the bill for school and coming out of school debt free. I have done it once before and will do it again for graduate school.
3 Posts
thank you
with my best weshes
Good luck with your goals!!!!
DanznRN, RN
441 Posts
Navy's currently footing the bill for me for grad school, best "job" I'm ever going to have. Haven't put a uniform on since Aug '06, jeans and t-shirt has been my uniform. Did I mention the Navy was paying for it? Curious as to what things have turned you away from doing things through the Navy. Evereyone's got a bad Navy story, trust me, i've a few.
LCDR(s) Dan
55 Posts
I am in MECP. I just graduated. Like Dan I put on my uniform on Friday for the first time since June 05. It was a wonderful opportunity. I have been enlisted in the Navy for 12 years. I have had some bad navy days and some great Navy days. At the end of most days there has been more good than bad.
ENS Allison
Putting th uniform back on makes you feel like home, doesn't it? As much as I'm enjoying my uniform downtime, there's something about having that uniform on. It's something I can't describe, but I know it's bigger than me and I'm just glad to be patrt of it. So BZ to you and congrats on all your success, hope I can work with you sometime.