New back-to-school worry: Unvaccinated classmates

Nurses Headlines


"A growing number of children aren't getting required vaccinations for non-medical reasons. What will this new reality bring this school year?

As parents send their children back to school, some are grappling with a new worry: whether their children's classmates have received all their vaccinations.

An outbreak of measles in Texas this week shows why their concern is not without reason. Twenty-one people linked to a megachurch and its congregation have contracted the highly contagious disease, and the case has put a spotlight on falling vaccination rates in the U.S.

Measles was eradicated in the U.S. as of 2000, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but outbreaks like the one in Texas are increasing, as is the percentage of parents choosing not to immunize their children, which has seen an uptick in recent years. Usually, the CDC expects to see 60 cases of measles per year, but there have been 135 cases of measles so far in 2013, and in 2011, more than 220 people were diagnosed with the disease.

This latest outbreak follows a rash of recent measles cases among New York's Orthodox Jewish population and an outbreak in San Diego in 2008."

Dr. Jerry Kartzinel talks about how there is nothing in medicine that can be utilized universally without some percent of the population having problems from the procedure. This is an example of what he was talking about. Aluminum is a neurotoxin and it damages the immune system, putting it into hyperdrive, which is associated with a lot of the asthma, allergies and autoimmunity we are seeing (in addition to increased rates of autism and ADHD).

So just how much aluminum is in vaccines that are “recommended” for ALL infants living in the United States? And what is the “safe level” of aluminum?

According to the FDA, the “safe level” of aluminum for full-term babies with healthy kidneys is 5 micrograms per kilogram per day. As Dr. Robert Sears points out in this article, Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal? using this “safe level” determined by the FDA, a 12 pound, 2 month-old infant should be able to handle “at least” 30 mcg. of aluminum in one day. A 22 pound, one year-old infant should be able to handle “at least” 50 mcg. of aluminum in one day. As Dr. Robert Sears states, the FDA “safe level” was determined from studies of premature infants with immature kidneys, so full-term infants with healthy kidneys should theoretically be able to handle more than the “safe level.” However, we don’t know because there haven’t been any studies done – at least none Dr. Sears (or I) could find.

Okay, so how much aluminum is really in the childhood vaccines?

DTaP (for Diptheria, Tetorifice & Pertussis only): 170-625 mcg, depending on manufacturer

Hepatitis A: 225 mcg

Hepatitis B: 250 mcg

HIB (for meningitis; PedVaxHib brand only): 225 mcg

HPV (ages 9 and above): 225-500 mcg

Pediarix (DTaP/Hepatitis B/Polio combination): 850 mcg

Pneumococcus: 125 mcg

The above information is from NVIC’s Vaccine Ingredients Calculator.

So what does this mean for your child, living in the United States and complying with the “recommended” childhood vaccine schedule?

Dr. Robert Sears does the math:

Newborn gets Hepatitis B injection on day one of life would get 250 micrograms of aluminum.

Repeated at one month of age with the next Hep B shot.

When a baby gets the first big round of shots at 2 months, the total dose of aluminum can vary from 295 micrograms (if a non-aluminum HIB and the lowest aluminum brand of DTaP is used) to a whopping 1225 micrograms if the highest aluminum brands are used and Hep B vaccine is also given.

These doses are repeated at 4 and 6 months.

A child would continue to get some aluminum throughout the first 2 years with most rounds of shots.

At this point, you may want to ask yourself, “Is the Hepatitis B vaccine really something my child needs, if I do not have Hepatitis B?”

Is your child really at risk for Hepatitis B? And is the risk worth the consequences of injecting aluminum (a neurotoxin and immunotoxin) into your child at levels that are exponentially higher than the “safe level” determined by the FDA?

I know you said you don't like vax truth. Should Infants be Vaccinated Against Hepatitis B? How Much Aluminum is Safe for Infants? |

But is aluminum one of those things that are naturally found in the body? Didn't someone here say formaline is as well?

I would advocate vaccines no matter what. I got pancreatitis from Lisinopril and no longer take ACE-I, but I don't go around telling everyone that they should stop taking ACE-I because it is dangerous and made from snake venom.

My sister almost died as an infant from the small pox vaccine and I had a friend that got myocarditis from the small pox vaccine, but yet I lined up when it was time to get my small pox vaccine and got mine just like everyone else (military). I didn't seek an exemption for the small pox vaccination. I did my research through scientific peer-reviewed articles and got the vaccination. I was a little nervous but still I did it.

Okay, what is enough testing? Do you realize that vaccines are still be tested/monitored everyday? It is called Phase 4 testing/post market research/monitoring? We monitor vaccines constantly in US. We have a national monitoring database for vaccines.The FDA's Drug Review Process: Ensuring Drugs Are Safe and Effective

Vaccines: Resdev/Vaccine Testing and Approval Process

There is absolutely no proof that vaccines are not safe for widespread use. Yet, because people continue to believe what they want to believe we continue to spend millions of dollars annually providing more research to show the same statistics over and over again. If these anti-vaccination opponents had any credibility they could do their own scientific studies and prove the world wrong, but have they done they have not and they never will. They continue to try to skew statistics to work in their favor and ask for money to continue their unproven treatments and their websites.

Non-vaxers are to blame for the whooping cough outbreak and pretty much every other vaccine preventable outbreak in the US, if everyone would have been vaccinated then there would not have been an outbreak.

There are efforts to work on long-term vaccines, but with the current sentiment of the public it will take decades to be released. Even then as we age are immunity declines still making us susceptible to certain diseases are body has difficulty fighting no matter what our immunization status. That is why it is especially important for everyone around susceptible populations to be immunized too.

I read that back a few months ago in the Kansas City newspaper. They said in the article that they did not know yet that there should have been a 5 year booster so they of course weren't telling the patients that.

Vaccine failure admitted: Whooping cough outbreaks higher among children already vaccinated

In early 2010, a spike in cases appeared at Kaiser Permanente in San Rafael, and it was soon determined to be an outbreak of whooping cough -- the largest seen in California in more than 50 years. Witt had expected to see the illnesses center around unvaccinated kids, knowing they are more vulnerable to the disease. "We started dissecting the data. What was very surprising was the majority of cases were in fully vaccinated children. That's what started catching our attention."

This same article also admits that these vaccines have never been tested for long-term effectiveness:

"GSK has never studied the duration of the vaccine's protection after the shot given to four- to six-year-olds, the spokesperson said. Dr. Joel Ward at the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute said it's still important for parents to get their kids immunized, even though it doesn't provide lasting protection from whooping cough."

Huh? So let me get this straight:

• Whooping cough infections are MORE common among children already vaccinated against whooping cough than unvaccinated children.

• The whooping cough vaccines have NEVER been tested for long-term efficacy.

• Doctors openly admit the vaccine "doesn't provide lasting protection" against the disease.

• But doctors and government authorities mindlessly push the vaccine anyway?!

That's essentially like saying, "We know these vaccines don't really work, but everybody should get vaccinated anyway."

Learn more: Vaccine failure admitted: Whooping cough outbreaks higher among children already vaccinated

Specializes in Anesthesia.
Dr. Jerry Kartzinel talks about how there is nothing in medicine that can be utilized universally without some percent of the population having problems from the procedure. This is an example of what he was talking about. Aluminum is a neurotoxin and it damages the immune system, putting it into hyperdrive, which is associated with a lot of the asthma, allergies and autoimmunity we are seeing (in addition to increased rates of autism and ADHD).

So just how much aluminum is in vaccines that are "recommended" for ALL infants living in the United States? And what is the "safe level" of aluminum?

According to the FDA, the "safe level" of aluminum for full-term babies with healthy kidneys is 5 micrograms per kilogram per day. As Dr. Robert Sears points out in this article, Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal? using this "safe level" determined by the FDA, a 12 pound, 2 month-old infant should be able to handle "at least" 30 mcg. of aluminum in one day. A 22 pound, one year-old infant should be able to handle "at least" 50 mcg. of aluminum in one day. As Dr. Robert Sears states, the FDA "safe level" was determined from studies of premature infants with immature kidneys, so full-term infants with healthy kidneys should theoretically be able to handle more than the "safe level." However, we don't know because there haven't been any studies done - at least none Dr. Sears (or I) could find.

Okay, so how much aluminum is really in the childhood vaccines?

DTaP (for Diptheria, Tetorifice & Pertussis only): 170-625 mcg, depending on manufacturer

Hepatitis A: 225 mcg

Hepatitis B: 250 mcg

HIB (for meningitis; PedVaxHib brand only): 225 mcg

HPV (ages 9 and above): 225-500 mcg

Pediarix (DTaP/Hepatitis B/Polio combination): 850 mcg

Pneumococcus: 125 mcg

The above information is from NVIC's Vaccine Ingredients Calculator.

So what does this mean for your child, living in the United States and complying with the "recommended" childhood vaccine schedule?

Dr. Robert Sears does the math:

Newborn gets Hepatitis B injection on day one of life would get 250 micrograms of aluminum.

Repeated at one month of age with the next Hep B shot.

When a baby gets the first big round of shots at 2 months, the total dose of aluminum can vary from 295 micrograms (if a non-aluminum HIB and the lowest aluminum brand of DTaP is used) to a whopping 1225 micrograms if the highest aluminum brands are used and Hep B vaccine is also given.

These doses are repeated at 4 and 6 months.

A child would continue to get some aluminum throughout the first 2 years with most rounds of shots.

At this point, you may want to ask yourself, "Is the Hepatitis B vaccine really something my child needs, if I do not have Hepatitis B?"

Is your child really at risk for Hepatitis B? And is the risk worth the consequences of injecting aluminum (a neurotoxin and immunotoxin) into your child at levels that are exponentially higher than the "safe level" determined by the FDA?

I know you said you don't like vax truth. Should Infants be Vaccinated Against Hepatitis B? How Much Aluminum is Safe for Infants? |

But is aluminum one of those things that are naturally found in the body? Didn't someone here say formaline is as well?

I don't know where these supposed safe levels of aluminum are actually coming from but they are inaccurate.

"Aluminum in vaccines

Aluminum is used in vaccines as an adjuvant. An adjuvant is a vaccine component that boosts the immune response to the vaccine. The adjuvant effects of aluminum were discovered in 1926. Aluminum adjuvants are used in vaccines such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, diphtheria-tetorifice-containing vaccines, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and pneumococcal vaccines, but they are not used in the live, viral vaccines, such as measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, or rotavirus.

Vaccines containing adjuvants are tested extensively in clinical trials before being licensed. Aluminum salts are the only materials that can be used as adjuvants in the United States. The quantities of aluminum present in vaccines are low and are regulated by the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER).

The aluminum contained in vaccines is similar to that found in a liter (about 1 quart or 32 fluid ounces) of infant formula. While infants receive about 4.4 milligrams of aluminum in the first six months of life from vaccines, they receive more than that in their diet. Breast-fed infants ingest about 7 milligrams, formula-fed infants ingest about 38 milligrams, and infants who are fed soy formula ingest almost 117 milligrams of aluminum during the same period.

Quantities of Aluminum in Vaccines

Pneumococcal vaccine0.125 mg/dose

Diphtheria-tetorifice-acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine

Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine0.225 mg/dose

Hib/ Hep B vaccine0.225 mg/dose

Hepatitis A vaccine (Hep A)0.225 to 0.25 mg/dose (pediatrics)

0.45 to 0.5 mg/dose (adults)

Hepatitis B vaccine (Hep B)0.225 to 0.5 mg/dose

Hep A/ Hep B vaccine0.45 mg/dose

DTaP/inactivated polio/ Hep B vaccine

DTaP/inactivated polio/Hib vaccine0.33 mg/dose

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine0.225 mg/dose

Japanese Encephalitis (JE) vaccine0.25 mg/dose

Quantities of Aluminum in Other Things

Breast milk0.04 milligrams per liter (mg/L)

Ponds, lakes, streams0.1 mg/L

Infant formula0.225 mg/L

Soy-based formula0.46 to 0.93 mg/L

Buffered aspirin10 to 20 mg/tablet

Antacid104-208 mg/tablet

Given the quantities of aluminum we are exposed to on a daily basis, the quantity of aluminum in vaccines is miniscule. Aluminum-containing vaccines have been used for decades and have been given to over one billion people without problem. In spring 2000, the National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO) reviewed aluminum exposure through vaccines and determined that no changes to vaccine recommendations were needed based on aluminum content. The Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety, part of the World Health Organization (WHO), has also reviewed studies and found no evidence of health risks that would require changes to vaccine policy."

Vaccines and Aluminum? | The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Specializes in Anesthesia.
I read that back a few months ago in the Kansas City newspaper. They said in the article that they did not know yet that there should have been a 5 year booster so they of course weren't telling the patients that.

Vaccine failure admitted: Whooping cough outbreaks higher among children already vaccinated

In early 2010, a spike in cases appeared at Kaiser Permanente in San Rafael, and it was soon determined to be an outbreak of whooping cough -- the largest seen in California in more than 50 years. Witt had expected to see the illnesses center around unvaccinated kids, knowing they are more vulnerable to the disease. "We started dissecting the data. What was very surprising was the majority of cases were in fully vaccinated children. That's what started catching our attention."

This same article also admits that these vaccines have never been tested for long-term effectiveness:

"GSK has never studied the duration of the vaccine's protection after the shot given to four- to six-year-olds, the spokesperson said. Dr. Joel Ward at the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute said it's still important for parents to get their kids immunized, even though it doesn't provide lasting protection from whooping cough."

Huh? So let me get this straight:

• Whooping cough infections are MORE common among children already vaccinated against whooping cough than unvaccinated children.

• The whooping cough vaccines have NEVER been tested for long-term efficacy.

• Doctors openly admit the vaccine "doesn't provide lasting protection" against the disease.

• But doctors and government authorities mindlessly push the vaccine anyway?!

That's essentially like saying, "We know these vaccines don't really work, but everybody should get vaccinated anyway."

Learn more: Vaccine failure admitted: Whooping cough outbreaks higher among children already vaccinated

I already covered this in post 21, but here it is again.

"MISCONCEPTION #2. The majority of people who get disease have been vaccinated.

This is another argument frequently found in anti-vaccine literature - the implication being that this proves vaccines are not effective. In fact it is true that in an outbreak those who have been vaccinated often outnumber those who have not - even with vaccines such as measles, which we know to be about 98% effective when used as recommended.

This is explained by two factors. No vaccine is 100% effective. Most routine childhood vaccines are effective for 85% to 95% of recipients. For reasons related to the individual, some will not develop immunity. The second fact is that in a country such as the United States the people who have been vaccinated vastly outnumber those who have not. Here's a hypothetical example of how these two factors work together.

In a high school of 1,000 students, none has ever had measles. All but 5 of the students have had two doses of measles vaccine, and so are fully immunized. The entire student body is exposed to measles, and every susceptible student becomes infected. The 5 unvaccinated students will be infected, of course. But of the 995 who have been vaccinated, we would expect several not to respond to the vaccine. The efficacy rate for two doses of measles vaccine can be higher than 99%. In this class, 7 students do not respond, and they, too, become infected. Therefore 7 of 12, or about 58%, of the cases occur in students who have been fully vaccinated.

As you can see, this doesn't prove the vaccine didn't work - only that most of the children in the class had been vaccinated, so those who were vaccinated and did not respond outnumbered those who had not been vaccinated. Looking at it another way, 100% of the children who had not been vaccinated got measles, compared with less than 1% of those who had been vaccinated. Measles vaccine protected most of the class; if nobody in the class had been vaccinated, there would probably have been 1,000 cases of measles."

Specializes in Anesthesia.
My personal experience is the HVB vaccine that was supposed to be life long immunity only lasted 10 years the first time. I found out when I had to have titers drawn. Had to retake the series. Would have never known if I didn't have to have titers.

My guess is that I'm not the only person this has ever happened to. There are also people who can not have vaccinations due to medical reasons. The more unvaccinated people, the more likely the disease will become more wide spread.

[h=4]"How long does protection from Hepatitis B vaccine last?[/h]

Studies indicate that immunologic memory remains intact for at least 20 years among healthy vaccinated individuals who initiated Hepatitis B vaccination >6 months of age. The vaccine confers long-term protection against clinical illness and chronic Hepatitis B virus infection. Cellular immunity appears to persist even though antibody levels might become low or decline below detectable levels.Among vaccinated cohorts who initiated Hepatitis B vaccination at birth, long-term follow-up studies are ongoing to determine the duration of vaccine-induced immunity."

CDC DVH - HBV FAQs for Health Professionals

Specializes in Anesthesia.

Babies hemorrhage after parents refuse vitamin K shots

More spill over from the anti-vaccine movement and disinformation on the Internet.

Babies hemorrhage after parents refuse vitamin K shots

More spill over from the anti-vaccine movement and disinformation on the Internet.

Even the article said it was "Rare."

I didn't get the vitamin K shot for my son because we were leaving him intact and I figured since we weren't cutting him open he'd be fine.

Thanks for the clarification on the aluminum :)

Specializes in Critical Care.
Even the article said it was "Rare."

I didn't get the vitamin K shot for my son because we were leaving him intact and I figured since we weren't cutting him open he'd be fine.

Thanks for the clarification on the aluminum :)

Vitamin K at birth isn't to protect kids who you plan on "cutting open", the article referred to 4 cases of spontaneous bleeds (one GI bleed and 3 ICH's).

Given the safety of vitamin K, these adverse bleeding events happen far too often to justify refusing them. Would you really be willing to tell any of these kids who will now suffer long term effects of ICH's that it was worth denying a simple prevention treatment because "it's rare"? As far as each of these kids are concerned, it's 1 in 1.

Specializes in Anesthesia.
Even the article said it was "Rare."

I didn't get the vitamin K shot for my son because we were leaving him intact and I figured since we weren't cutting him open he'd be fine.

Thanks for the clarification on the aluminum :)

It is approximately a 5:100,000 chance of a serious complication or about 5 infants every 9 days (there are different statistics depending on where you look). It is like playing Russian Roulette with gun with a giant chamber. The gun is eventually going to go off. Then if the complication from the cerebral hemorrhage doesn't cause permanent brain damage then you have to worry about potential complications of repeated anesthesia on a developing brain.

Thanks for the info

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

I usually do not get involved in these debates and I have my own thoughts about immunizations and their "safety" DES was Safe to gove to pregnant women and DDT was going to benefit the food supply.....I call that an EPIC fail. But are you two agreeing on the amount of Aluminum in vaccines.........170mcg to 625mcgs/dose is equal to 0.17mg to 0.625mg/dose....225 mcg is 0.225mg so 0.25 mg per dose is you both agree that there is AL in vaccines........just saying.

Rat lady: DTaP (for Diptheria, Tetorifice & Pertussis only): 170-625 mcg, depending on manufacturer

wtbcrna: Diphtheria-tetorifice-acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine

Hepatitis A: 225 mcg

Hepatitis A vaccine (Hep A) 0.225 to 0.25 mg/dose (pediatrics)

Hepatitis B: 250 mcg

Hib/ Hep B vaccine 0.225 mg/dose

HIB (for meningitis; PedVaxHib brand only): 225 mcg

Hib/ Hep B vaccine 0.225 mg/dose

HPV (ages 9 and above): 225-500 mcg

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine 0.225 mg/dose

Pediarix (DTaP/Hepatitis B/Polio combination): 850 mcg

DTaP/inactivated polio/ Hep B vaccine

Pneumococcus: 125 mcg

Pneumococcal vaccine 0.125 mg/dose

I think we need to look towards immune/auto-immune disorders and their prevalence in the population today. I am of the age of the first mass immunization of children and lined up in school for our small pox vaccines........have they triggered some sort of error in our immune systems. What has caused this flaw in our immune systems that they now attack our bodies? Were they "stressed" to extreme with all these "immunizations" that trigger the immune system into building antibodies against the invaded disease in the form a vaccinations?

Everything has a benefit/risk factor....does the benefit outweigh the potential risks? ....because of auto-immune sensitivity in my weimaraner, in the breed in general, it is now recommended to delay immunization and have a alternative/extended immunization schedule in this lessen the chance of developing auto-immune disorders known to develop in this breed. Lessening the chance isn't promising it won't try to avoid complications I adhered to an alternate immunization schedule.

Now does my weimy have an auto-immune disorder? NO....she doesn't. Did the alternative schedule prevent anything? I have no evidence that it did. Was it worth following a slower process? Yes. My children aren't animals.....and my weimy got different vaccinations than my children do........however, if vaccines can negatively affect the dogs immune system.... reason tells me that this may be true of humans as well......isn't that what animal testing is all about?

I have immunized my children on a slightly alternative/extended schedule when they we infants and not grouping several immunizations vote remins out on the HPV and I am not a fan flu vaccines. But this dialog need to be looked at honestly and not trying to manipulate data for one own agenda. A honest investigation as to the risks and dangers of these meds.....for all meds have risks....I just want to have ALL of the ACCURATE UNBIASED information available so that the public can make educated decision based on fact.

Specializes in Anesthesia.
I usually do not get involved in these debates and I have my own thoughts about immunizations and their "safety" DES was Safe to gove to pregnant women and DDT was going to benefit the food supply.....I call that an EPIC fail. But are you two agreeing on the amount of Aluminum in vaccines.........170mcg to 625mcgs/dose is equal to 0.17mg to 0.625mg/dose....225 mcg is 0.225mg so 0.25 mg per dose is you both agree that there is AL in vaccines........just saying.

Rat lady: DTaP (for Diptheria, Tetorifice & Pertussis only): 170-625 mcg, depending on manufacturer

wtbcrna: Diphtheria-tetorifice-acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine

Hepatitis A: 225 mcg

Hepatitis A vaccine (Hep A) 0.225 to 0.25 mg/dose (pediatrics)

Hepatitis B: 250 mcg

Hib/ Hep B vaccine 0.225 mg/dose

HIB (for meningitis; PedVaxHib brand only): 225 mcg

Hib/ Hep B vaccine 0.225 mg/dose

HPV (ages 9 and above): 225-500 mcg

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine 0.225 mg/dose

Pediarix (DTaP/Hepatitis B/Polio combination): 850 mcg

DTaP/inactivated polio/ Hep B vaccine

Pneumococcus: 125 mcg

Pneumococcal vaccine 0.125 mg/dose

I think we need to look towards immune/auto-immune disorders and their prevalence in the population today. I am of the age of the first mass immunization of children and lined up in school for our small pox vaccines........have they triggered some sort of error in our immune systems. What has caused this flaw in our immune systems that they now attack our bodies? Were they "stressed" to extreme with all these "immunizations" that trigger the immune system into building antibodies against the invaded disease in the form a vaccinations?

Everything has a benefit/risk factor....does the benefit outweigh the potential risks? ....because of auto-immune sensitivity in my weimaraner, in the breed in general, it is now recommended to delay immunization and have a alternative/extended immunization schedule in this lessen the chance of developing auto-immune disorders known to develop in this breed. Lessening the chance isn't promising it won't try to avoid complications I adhered to an alternate immunization schedule.

Now does my weimy have an auto-immune disorder? NO....she doesn't. Did the alternative schedule prevent anything? I have no evidence that it did. Was it worth following a slower process? Yes. My children aren't animals.....and my weimy got different vaccinations than my children do........however, if vaccines can negatively affect the dogs immune system.... reason tells me that this may be true of humans as well......isn't that what animal testing is all about?

I have immunized my children on a slightly alternative/extended schedule when they we infants and not grouping several immunizations vote remins out on the HPV and I am not a fan flu vaccines. But this dialog need to be looked at honestly and not trying to manipulate data for one own agenda. A honest investigation as to the risks and dangers of these meds.....for all meds have risks....I just want to have ALL of the ACCURATE UNBIASED information available so that the public can make educated decision based on fact.

Short of an LD50 dose of aluminum being in vaccines I could care less the amount of micrograms in them since infants regularly ingest milligrams of aluminum on a daily basis. I was never trying to debate the actual amount of micrograms of aluminum in vaccines.

If you are trying to say that you are using unbiased factual information to go against EBP and the professional recommendations of two physician societies the CDC and WHO to use an alternate vaccine schedule, downplaying the need for Flu vaccines, and making vague unproven relationships between auto-immune diseases and vaccines then I for one want to see the peer-reviewed scientific evidence. Otherwise it isn't a debate at all it is nothing more than innuendos against vaccines.

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