Nervous about starting school while living with my parents.


Hello everyone!

So I will be starting an LVN program in about 3 weeks and I am soooo excited! I feel very blessed to have been accepted because I worked so hard for this and I finally got in.

Although I am very excited to start this journey, I also feel very scared and nervous. This is why: I still live with my parents, the house is loud, I feel I have no support/help from my family.

I recently quit my job so I can focus completely on my studies since I understand nursing school takes a lot of time and commitment and since I don't have kids nor am I married, I really can afford to not work and stay at home. However, my mom babysits, she takes care of a baby who cries every morning, and 2 more kids 3ys/4ys who, they are loud!! ALSO, my 14 year old brother is in a "band" (not really but more like a hobby) so him and his 4 older friends come and play the loud drums, guitar....I don't know what other loud instrument. AND, my dad just started working in the backyard with like 3 other guys and it's directly outside my bedroom which I can hear everything, tools, drilling, loud talking.

I am literally surrounded my loud, annoying noise! I feel very stressed out because I won't have quiet time to study or do homework and this is very important to me. I quit my job to get better grades and have more time to concentrate an study but I don't have a quiet place to do so. I feel my parents don't understand that it takes a lot of work and I NEED a place to study, I NEED quiet. I understand my room is not the only place to study, I'm already planning on spending most of the time at the library but they are only opened until 9PM. Where do I go after that? And the weekends they are not opened past 2PM, where do I go then?

I am just feeling incredibly stressed out, I get anxiety everything I hear noises because it reminds me of the quiet time I won't have.

I guess I am just venting, but also wanted to see if anyone has been in a similar situation? Where do you go to study when you can't concentrate at home? What did you do when your parents/family were not understanding/supportive?

I agree with PP, you are extremely blessed! 😊 I worked 2 jobs through nursing school and went from living with my husband in a studio (zero doors/privacy) to living with 5 noisy family members for a brief period to save money. If you want to make it work, you will find a way. I studied outside the home during the day (library/Starbucks, mostly) and after everybody went to bed I stayed up all night and studied in areas where I would be alone, wherever that happened to be. I made friends in nursing school, please try to do that. Trust me, it is a huge asset! Good luck! You just have to make up your mind that it is going to be done and do it 😉.

Some of my favorite places to study is the library, not just the school library but also the public library. Coffee shops, I bring my computer along play something off pandora to help block the background noise but is not distracting to my studying. While the weather is nice outdoor areas like parks. Local bookstores like Barnes and Nobles can work also if you have one nearby. At home you can try ear plugs or look into noise canceling headphones, even the ear protection that is used for shooting will help to block out noise. Some creativity and thinking outside of the box :up:

1) Relax. You are inventing problems that haven't happened yet. You will be fine.

2) If noise bothers you, make a plan to counteract the noise. You have two options: block your hearing, or go somewhere quiet.

Trying to control your family is the wrong approach. They shouldn't have to change their lifestyle for this. They aren't the ones going to nursing school. It will be hard enough for them to adjust to you not being available.

Personally, I can't study when there is a noisy room. It KILLS my concentration. What I usually do is relocate. My favorite places are libraries and cafeterias. I can't do Starbucks or McD's because they are too loud and there are lots of interesting people that come in. But hospital cafeterias usually have seating that is open all the time, and there are only people there around meal times.

I also love to study outside. I can find a shady spot and hang out there with my study materials for hours. Find a quiet neighborhood park if you can't use your own yard.

As a last resort, I use headphones or earplugs.

I'm in the same situation. I am so grateful to be able to stay with them ( I am paying rent though). Are you near any universities? Many universities are open to the public with valid photo id and tend to be open later than conventional libraries. I also second B&N if you have one near you...they're open till 11 in some places near me. My parents know how noisy they are and they know how I feel about it but the mutual understanding is that it's their house...they could have made me leave a long time ago but they haven't. So I deal but they don't intentionally go out of their way to be noisy. Doesn't sound like your parents are either.

Or I'll just wait till every one is asleep sometimes before trying to do work. Not usually a good idea cuz I get sleepy but if I need to, I need to. I have even taken drives to places near lampposts and studied in the car lol

PS I completely get how you feel though. Sometimes it's so loud I hole up in my room and cry from stress because I love quiet lol. I have ear buds, those huge ear muffs construction workers use, and white noise on my computer and ipod. But you gotta make it work. if it's so bad you're failing school then maybe it would be best to find somewhere else, or to actually start working again and find your own place again.

At least you don't have to work through the program. If you must, find a quiet place to study. Go to Barnes and nobles or Starbucks. You'll need the quiet time away from distractions to focus. Good luck!

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