Published Feb 26, 2013
22 Posts
I am looking for someone who is ready to take the boards and would like to study. I find myself a little lost and feel as though I can't remember anything. If anyone is interested, let me know. Thanks :)
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
Welcome to AN! The largest online nursing community!
I moved your post for best response!
Good Luck!!!!
Where do I move this post to and how do I do that? Thank you for your comment :)
26 Posts
Hey, where are you from? I can be your study buddy. I'm trying to review for nclex rn while waiting for my credentials beig reviewed by eres.
242 Posts
Need a study partner too!
Where are u from?
I am from NJ but we could skype. You?
In CA. Skype works.
Great, why don't you email me with your preference on studying, books, time so that we can see how we can work together to knock this test out! My email is [email protected] Thanks, :)
Im from chicag0.