Need help, reapply NCLEX cali-BON.

Nursing Students NCLEX


I took NCLEX last year on oct, unfortunately I didn't pass. So I reapply on the 1st week of dec '06. When I reapply I changed my address, will this become a problem. Should I inform cali-BON about the address change? Please give me info so I know what to do next. Thanks for helping...

thank you for your reply.. I've been reading a lot in this site and its really helpful.. I heard about suzanne's plan for nclex but i can't find it=) any suggestions? I would like to follow that for my retake if given a chance=) thanks a much!

If you go to the top of the NXLEX Forum, you will find stickies which are threads that do not move down the line but are always found at the top. You will see one that is called the First Tip, that needs to be followed exactly as it is written.

All instructions are given there.

too bad i can't find it. can you please link it to me? i cant find where nclex forum is that. Im new to this site.. i hope you'll teach me suzanne.. thank you so much=)

This is the NCLEX Forum that you are posting in right now. Just scroll up to the top of the page and you will find the sticky with the first tip of my program. You actually had to go right by it to get to this thread to post to.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Stickies are threads that is felt has important information and will always be found at the top of the forum you are in. They all have this icon at the side stickyicon.jpg. If you are still struggling to get to the main NCLEX forum scroll up to the top and in the yellow toolbar you will see the link at the left of the title of this thread, alternatively just go to the student section and click on NCLEX

hehehe.. got it=) thanks a lot.. I need to buy saunders book first before I start suzanne's plan... I want to ask what exact saunders book do i need to have? thank you...

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

It tells you in the thread of her first tip. Depends on whether you are doing RN or PN to which edition you need

Please read the first tip thread, it gives all of the information there that you will need to know including which book to purchase.

hello, anyone from philippines who re apply in cali nclex-rn? i've been reading a lot here but i dnt get answers to my questions about this.. i need some help regarding the forms. should i pass only the first form and disregard the other forms? and also about the last exam applied for is it the same entry as last exam taken? is it correct that i will only send the first form along with a $75 bank draft? after i send the documents, what should i expect next? and how long will it take to sched. exam again? i hope someone would clarify me about this.. thank you so much..

We ask that you only post in one color, it makes it confusing to follow for many and is harder on the eyes.

You do not need to include anything about transcripts or the fingerprints, only the re-application with the fee that is asked for there. Also be aware that you are still going to need to pay for the exam again, it is not included in this fee.

sorry for the font color.. its my way to highlight my impt. questions=) anyways, thank you so much for your time and for sharing your ideas.. i'm looking forward to your "suzanne's plan" I'm planning to follow it as my guide for my next review..

Question about Reapply/Repeat Examination Application for NCLEX-RN. On the application, it says LAST EXAM APPLIED FOR: MONTH, YEAR. What do they mean by that? The reason I am confused is because the next question is asking about LAST EXAM TAKEN: MONTH, YEAR. It sounds like a similar question. Thanks all...

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