Hey everyone,
I'm coming here because I need advice and i'm starting to question why I even went into nursing to begin with. Anyone I talk to about this who isn't a nurse just does not understand
I'm a nurse on a really busy stepdown/telemetry unit at a hospital, I have been there for about 9 months right out of school. I was so happy to be hired on a critical care floor right out of school and extremely thankful for the opportunity, but I am extremely unhappy. Although I feel more comfortable now than I did first off orientation, I'm starting to think I either chose the wrong profession or I am in the wrong place.
I love my patients and I love taking care of people, my manager told me I am doing great, but I HATE my job. I dread going to work every single day. I work night shift. I have had really really bad nights. I feel like I am the only nurse who keeps having horrible nights where patients are in super critical condition and I need to call the rapid response team. The other nurses on my floor are awesome and so is my manager, but these horrible nights stay with me for months and I have such anxiety about it. On my days off all I do is worry about when I have to work next. I had a really bad night recently which I will not get into but it was horrible and involved a patient screaming in pain. I do not even want to go back into work because i felt so horrible about this one patient. We have 5 patients at night and they are all usually very critical. I feel like i have no time to even spend with my patients because i have so much work to do. I feel guilty about not doing enough for my patients. I get flap from the day team if one stupid thing isn't done even if I explain that my night was horrible and i spent all night with one patient who was very critical. I give props to all the RN's out there who can handle high stress situations. I don't want to do it. I know every RN job out there has its pros and cons. I am hoping i can find a job where I am happier than i am now.
I don't mean to rant but I need to get out. I need to know what else i can do. I would love a job where I can spend more time with patients, where is it slower pace. I think some nurses are great in critical care, but i am sensitive and cannot handle the stress over and over and over.
I haven't even been at my job for a year which is why if i leave now i think it will be hard to find another job, and i know my manager would be really disappointed if i left now. With that being said, I do not feel like myself and I just want to be happy.
Thank you for anyone who read this horribly long post, ANY advice is appreciated.