Need help choosing my classes


It's time to choose my classes for summer and fall! I can't seem to make my mind up. I have 3 options,

1- Taking Chemistry and intermediate algebra together in summer quarter (only 8 weeks instead of 10) and then bio major cellular, and lifespan psych in the fall

2- Taking intermediate algebra and psych in the summer and Bio and chem together in the fall, or

3- Waiting to to take chem until the fall and taking it with an elective then move on to bio the next quarter (but that adds months to when I can apply for the program)

I have always hated math, because I didn't understand it, but I am getting an "A" two quarters in a row. I have never taken a science class in my life, so I am a little worried.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

p.s I have two kids (4 and 2)

For my money, any of these would be acceptable, because each gets you where you need to be. Have you considered speaking to the academic advising office at the college, who has seen a great man more students from your program come through and would have a better perspective on the individual courses?

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

I'm taking A&P & chem together in the fall since they both have labs. So I would take Algebra & psych in the summer.

Being that you said you hate math and never took a science, I'd be cautious taking them together in the summer. The good side of that is, they'd be over fast. Bad side is, very intense, plan on that.

I took micro in the summer with a 1 month CNA class. I'm a little proud of my grades in college (I had a 2.0 gpa in high school) so hope it doesn't sound conceited or something to say but that micro class was the only B I ever got in college, and I've taken all the other sciences already, PLUS I really love microbio.

So I just said that to give you a sense of how hard intermediate algebra and chem might be for you to take in the summer together. That said..I think psych is a great "filler" class to take in regular semesters with hard science classes, and if this was me I would pick chem and algebra together in summer. I'd choose option 3 last.

Put your mind to it, you can accomplish it and when that's out of the way you'll feel great!

From the background that you gave about yourself, I would say that option 2 sounds like your best bet.

Good luck!


Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

Too add, I would only take a science course during the summer if it was the ONLY class I was going to take. If you've never taken science before you're better off taking them during the fall semester since it is a lot of material & there are labs as well.

im taking a&p 1 and 2 in the summer alone. im not good at math either but for fall im taking chem and a math class. id say num 2. however talk to ur advisor

Thank you all for for the help, I think I'm going to go with #2 wish me luck

Specializes in hospice.
I have never taken a science class in my life, so I am a little worried.

How did you get through grade school, junior high, and high school with no science class, ever?

I was home-schooled. I took one year of earth science, but that has nothing to do with the sciences nursing students have to take.

Specializes in hospice.
I was home-schooled. I took one year of earth science, but that has nothing to do with the sciences nursing students have to take.

Dear Lord. I am a former home schooler myself and a friend to many others, so I'm not against it, but this is inexcusable. Didn't you have to meet any minimum state requirements?

This kind of thing is why I'm not as opposed as some others may be to requiring at least minimal standardized testing for home schoolers. No one should be able to claim to be a high school graduate without a basic grounding in life and physical sciences.

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