need your advice before I quit nursing?

Nurses General Nursing


Hi folks:

I am new grad, working at trauma center for 1 year already. Tired of seeing blood and wounds, thinking about QUITTINg nursing. Any departments folks here can remmend that I don't have to see a lot of blood and wounds? Thank you for helps!


I do hear so many nurses saying that they want or need to find their niche in nursing. There are so many avenues, I would encourage you not to give up on finding your particular niche/nest. There's no other career like this in the world.:)

Very sorry everyone. This is off topic. Anybody know how I can start a thread? I would like to ask the question to a moderator but I don't know how! Again, I am really sorry for hijacking this thread.

Thank you.

Go up to the very top and click on forums. Then go down to "General Nursing Forums," and click. Next, click on the forum you would like to post your thread in, such as "General nursing discussion." Once you get inside the forum of your choice, there will be a button to the left to start a new thread.

Good luck.

Thank you so much nurse wannabe. Very easy to do. When I was reading the tutorial it had me all messed up!

(Too bad the thread that I wanted to start isn't applicable now)

Specializes in Neuro, Critical Care.

I have a really hard time believing that. I went from being an OB nurse(l&d, NN, PP) to a Radiology Nurse. They are in no way similar. Not even the same pt population. The new facility trained me, oriented me and set me free. I love it! I just can fathom that in todays world, with the shortage of nurses that they will not invest a little time to train a nurse in a new area. Happens all the time around here!

I have a hard time believing that too. These days new grads get hired on in almost every discipline. I know in my class alone, thus far, 5 are hired into the NICU (we are all grad. in Aug) atleast 10 are going into some kind of ICU (myself included) one or two are staring in surgery and atleast 5-6 are going into OB! The only area that i've heard of that doesnt take individuals without much experience is ER and even then i have heard of a few going sure you will be fine, call around and look for yourself and you will have your answer!

Specializes in ICU, CCU, Trauma, neuro, Geriatrics.

You can go into any area you desire, you will get the orientation and training needed for each specialty. Some do require special certification like school nurse. As an RN with associate degree I have worked med/surg, telemetry, trauma, ICU, neuro, ER, specialty flight team, sub-acute facility supervisor, personal care, camp nurse, nurse for community project group, church summer camp nurse, and reference person for board of directors of an ambulance service. If you really like an area then you will shine during the interview.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
Any departments folks here can remmend that I don't have to see a lot of blood and wounds?
Try working at a nursing home. It might not sound glamourous or exciting, but there's not a great deal of blood or wounds to be seen either.

You sound burnt out and you need to take some time off....Then when you are feeling better, try to choose another area of practice. Right now do not be to hard on yourself. Realize where you are right at this moment and deal with that .Take some of that care that you give to those critical patients and administer to self.

Be gentle with yourself

take a break

make a decision only after you mend.

You sound burnt out and you need to take some time off....Then when you are feeling better, try to choose another area of practice. Right now do not be to hard on yourself. Realize where you are right at this moment and deal with that .Take some of that care that you give to those critical patients and administer to self.

Be gentle with yourself

take a break

make a decision only after you mend.

Spirit, I just wanted to say that was such a positive and refreshing advise.

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